15. Brujo Owen

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Greyish blue and purple mist swirled in front of April and she took a step back in fear. They say fear of the unknown is the greatest fear. Martha placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Relax, it is my fated one, Owen," Martha whispered and soon a man appeared in front of them. He was around his late thirties with a scruffy beard on his chin. The most outstanding thing about the male was his eyes. They were grey, steel grey, and the one that would pierce your soul with it. The man had an air of command and calmness around him. He had apparelled himself in ivory white dress robe and purple colored cloak on it. The facial feature of this man was somewhat familiar, it was like she had seen him somewhere, something about this man was too familiar with April, something on which she could put her finger on. He reminded her of someone but whom, she couldn't recall. He was tall and had an agile frame. There were different types of rings on his finger.

"Martha,"The man whispered and opened his arms; Martha ran and settled herself in his embrace. He softly touched her lips. April averted her gaze from the couple, as it was their private moment. They whispered to each other in their native language, which April could not understand. Tanya's half morphed into wolf self-straightened herself in alarm. Tanya could feel her pack approaching and that too very soon. She looked at Owen who nodded his head in understanding. Martha stepped out of his embrace and they formed a circle and started discussing the rescue plan.

"The plan is simple, we attack from the back entrance of the castle. Talia and Martha, you enter through stables and Owen you keep the Queen safe." Tanya declared. April scoffed at her words.

"That is a bullshit plan. I don't need anyone babysitting me," April deadpanned, looking annoyed.

"That castle you see," Tanya pointed in the direction of the castle, "is filled with vampires, bloodthirsty, and hundred times stronger than you. Who can snap your neck in two seconds. My main priority is to keep you alive. That plan which you said is bullshit is me trying to keep you alive, " Tanya snapped. Her patience was running on a thin line. This human had no idea how vile a vampire can be, literally and figuratively.

April narrowed her eyes at Tanya not liking her condescending tone but she didn't say a single thing about it. Leaving her behind with Owen. April wanted to do something. something for her friend. Just staying here doing nothing idea didn't sit well with her. There must be something that she could do. Something by which she can help her friend. She turned to Owen who had folded his hands across his chest and said, "Are you going to let your mate go alone in there?"

"I owe this one to Gabriel," Owen answered defeatedly. "Who?" April questioned Owen opened his mouth to speak but they heard a piercing scream of someone and it made April very anxious.

"We have to do something! You can't possibly leave your mate alone," April spoke with anxiety clearly evident in her tone.

"No, I didn't send her alone in there. I have cast a spell on them which will make me know when I am needed," Owen replied peacefully. "But we can't just stand here, we have to do something." Said April, looking frustrated and at her wits end. She was hearing blood-curdling screams of someone and it made her pull her hair ends in frustration. "So what do you suggest we do?" Owen replied a certain type of calm in his voice but his eyes gave him away. It was as if he was forced to stay calm. As if staying back here with her and doing nothing, was against his wishes.

"That castle you see, has a dome, a dome which is covered in aconitum and enchanted with a spell. So basically, it means a wolf cannot enter from the roof or nor any sunlight, and I happen to be human, so I am immune to aconitum and if with your help Owen, If we somehow blast the whole dome off; it would take them by surprise and sunlight would enter the castle and it would be the cause of total chaos for them. It would make things easier for Talia and Martha, they can rescue Talia's mate," April huffed in one breath.

"We can't do that," Owen rejected her idea and shook his head.

"And pray tell me why can't we do that?" April snapped getting irritated by his behaviour.

"I... I can't do it. I am bound to someone. I have taken a vow," Owen spoke in a dejected tone, looking helpless. "To hell with ypur vows, I am asking you to do it," April demanded


"I am sorry, I can't." Owen turned his back on her. April took a deep breath to calm herself down. She is not a bossy person, but the sometimes situation makes best of her. "Mr. Owen I- don't- know- what- your last -name- is, listen to me and listen very clearly, I am not asking you to help me. I am demanding you to help me," April spoke with authority in her voice and suddenly something changed around her. Owen turned around and looked at April with a smile on her face.

"Of course, My Lady," He muttered with a hint of a smile playing on his face..

"What?!" April asked and narrowed her eyes at him.

Um.. Nothing.. Don't want to get in trouble but.. what about your safety?" Owen spoke with a grim look on his face.

"This," she took out a gun and dagger which Tanya gave it to her and showed it to him, " will help me and I have you, besides that." Owen nodded in affirmation. Though Owen looked was a bit sceptic about it, but April brushed it off as she knew she had a protection of Owen with her.

"You coming?" April asked as she started walking ahead of him near a castle. Somebody held her hand and soon she found herself on the roof of the castle. 

"Now listen to me carefully. Don't get cut or don't bleed, Alright? He will have my head if there is any single scratch on your body. Now step back," Owen ordered and April nodded and took few steps back. Her heart was racing as if she has ran thousand miles.

"Control your heartbeat. Calm yourself down you will gather unwanted attention towards yourself," Owen whisper yelled at her

"Right, sorry!" April started doing breathing exercises to calm herself down. She closed her eyes to imagine herself playing with her brother and father and helping her mother in cooking. A wave of serenity washed over her and she felt incredibly calm but all of a sudden she saw a very angry looking pair of black eyes. She heard a growl and she opened her eyes as this time the growl was very clear and close by. Earlier it was distant as if it was far away but this one very near and very angry.

She saw a different type of mist surrounding Owen and it kept on changing colors. He was chanting spells without breaking any eye contact. She realized what Martha was talking about as she could feel his power. April wondered if he was so powerful then why did he wait for her order to do something.

The mist around him started attacking dome. He opened his arms wide and looked heavenwards and started speaking a different language. His eyes changed colour from steel grey to red and with a ring of yellow inside it.

Some mist would bounce back and break the pillars around them some would penetrate right through the shield. His voice and the chanting grew louder and louder and so did the mist around him. The mist had become more aggressive and violent. It was as if they were engaging themselves in some brutal dance. Owen's eye became opaque white as he chanted aggressively and suddenly a bolt of thunder shot down from the sky straight on the dome blasting it off. What April didn't realize was that it not broke the dome, but also the windows of the castle. She could hear the shrieks and wail of people. Some of the screams were so painful that it made her ears bleed. Owen's eyes turned back to normal and he fell down on his knees. April rushed by his side to support him.

"Are you OK?" April asked as she placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Yes, I .. I am fine.Just dealing with after effects," Owen whispered as he closed his eyes. "What do you mean?" April furrowed her eyebrows as she didn't understand whatever he said. This man was always speaking in a puzzle. " To break such a powerful spell, you need to cast a powerful spell and for that, it certain ounce of your life source. Just give me a moment," Owen explained and closed his eyes for a few minutes. All of a sudden he heard April's scream and opened his eyes. He gasped in horror as the person in front was very dangerous and he had his fangs aimed at April's jugular.

"Well, Hello to you," The man spoke with menace.

"Adrian," Owen whispered.

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