18. The Message

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Gabriel then realised that it was Gabriel who had left April alone for many summers but not his Lycan. His lycan was always there watching over her, keeping her safe. The beast never left his mate alone; that was what he had been hiding from Gabriel from past ten and two summers. He never ran away from the responsibility of keeping his mate safe, but now in his presence, someone had hurt his mate. April's unconscious form made Gabriel's fur side blind with rage. It was becoming very difficult for Gabriel to control the rage of his beast. He killed everyone and anyone who dared to cross his path or was in his sight. His soldier had knelt down in front of him exposing their necks to him, a sign of submission. No one dared to stop him or tried to look in his eyes. To stop an Alpha from killing is one thing; but to stop an angry Alpha mate, who saw his mate fainting in front of his eyes was other.

"Gabriel, Stop!" Someone commanded him and all Lycaon did was a roar and continued his rampage.

"Gabriel, you have to gain control of your beast back. Now is not the time to lose control." A female voice commanded again. Lycaon looked at the female and snarled at her in anger as she dared to command a King; but instead of flinching or getting scared she held her ground and looked him in the eye and said, "I am not the enemy, Gabriel. I am a friend, you have to control your beast, your mate needs you, and so does your pack. Calm down!" A woman spoke with firm authority. She looked in the direction where April remained unconscious, and Lycaon followed her gaze. The sight of his mate lying motionless triggered something in Gabriel, and he fought for control of his beast. His beast, the untamed one, in them easily gave up the control and Gabriel morphed himself into a human.

He looked at a woman who dared to command the Lord of beasts, but what he found was a girl who was not older than ten and nine summers smiling warmly at him. She had brown hair and a heart-shaped face with an infectious smile on her face and besides her stood a man not old than twenty and two summers. He was a tall man with a lean body which was badly bruised. He had cuts on his face and arms. A girl ran past Gabriel whom he recognised as Tanya's sister.

"Oh Thomas, I thought I would never see you again, " The girl whispered.

"M'lady, I promised you that you would see me again and I keep my promise," Thomas whispered as he hugged his mate and softly kissed her on her lips. Gabriel realised they were mates and a type of strange feeling developed in his heart. He wanted what Thomas had with his mate. His heart ached with longing and deprivation. He craved for the affection which he has deprived himself for centuries, but now his mind conflicted with his moral. He had his mate within his grasp. Gabriel wanted to claim his mate, even if she was not awake, the beast wanted to claim his beauty, to make her forever his. He tried to suppress his feelings and looked at the girl standing next to the couple.

"Who are you?" Gabriel questioned.

"I am known by the name of Amelia." The girl replied still with a smile on her face.

He saw a leech soldier limping out of the hall, and Gabriel walked up to him and picked up the soldier by his one hand, Gabriel's claws punctured the neck of a soldier, who was almost dead and had lost his limb.

"Tell your Queen that next time when I will come, I will avenge every drop of blood which has been spilt and every wound she gave to my Queen," Gabriel spoke in a gruff voice, which showed that even after calming down with Amelia's help, the beast was still there, and he was not to be taken lightly. A violent and cynical smile spread across his face when he uttered the next words, "Tell your Prince Adrian, that I have a message for him, "We will meet soon, brother.

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