24. Sweet Torment

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April drank the mixture juice of strawberry and grapes greedily. She was famished, and the best part about the whole breakfast was that it was not flesh based. She wondered who would have told Ariel about her preference but at the sight of delicious and ripe looking fruits and pancakes and juice she forgot everything.

Once she was done eating breakfast, she decided to take a stroll in the garden below her room. April was dressed in a loose summer dress which ended just below her knees.

She was about to walk in direction but changed her course as she saw her parents sitting in the garden.

"You know, you can't hide from them forever," She heard the psycho's voice behind her just like a shadow.

"Were you following me?" April questioned. She took his hand and tried to move in other direction. She felt a warm tingling sensation the moment her skin came into contact with his.

"Can you move?" April asked him as she saw her parents coming in her direction.

Gabriel's face held no expression. Nothing gave him away.

"Gabriel, please, I am not ready to face them. Please," April murmured softly, and a single tear rolled down from her eye.

"This way," Gabriel took the lead and started dragging her away. It felt like he might have forgotten that April is human and not tall as he was. She had shorter legs. By the time they reached the destination where Gabriel wanted to, she was panting like a dog. She fell on her knees and gasped for air. She wanted to laugh.  This man was brute.

"Bastard," April spoke under her breath.

"You are weak," Gabriel commented.

"E..excuse me," April spoke in after taking a quick intake of air.

"Forget it, You are pathetic little human," with that Gabriel walked out of the room.

"And you are sorry excuse overgrown, extra-large, man-wolf," April spat. 

"Your Majesties lunch is ready," April heard one of the girls who cooked food in the kitchen.

"Why are you calling me your majesty? " April asked with a quizzical smile on her face.

Gabriel stiffened at April's question. He knew April doesn't know anything about they being mates. 

"I..errr.," The maid stuttered nervously.

"Leave!" Gabriel commanded harshly to the poor woman who shook like a leaf and shakily curtsied in front of him and scurried off.

April's mouth remained agape as she could not believe how rude Gabriel behaved with the girl. 

"That was so disrespectful, Gabriel! She was just informing you about lunch! That was not very nice of you," April yelled at Gabriel and pushed him out of her way as she started walking towards the dining room. 

April arrived in the dining room to see Talia, Tanya,  Kevin, Martha, Mella and many other people she didn't recognise. They were bickering with each other, and as she entered the room, their bickering stopped. 

They sat with their posture straight with a very stiff back. All the signs of humour had vanished from their faces. They had a more serious expression on their face now and eyes very alert, but it was not because of April.

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