chapter 15

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I had been back in LA for two weeks now but the boys went back to Australlia to see their family,so I wouldn't be able to see Beau until next week. Things was getting complicated between me and Beau with us not being able to see each other, it was driving me absolutely insane.

"Liv what are you doing? can you get of that IPad and help me prepare dinner" mom shouted as she slapped my leg,trying to get my attention.

"why do you need my help?" I said as I stood up and walked to the kitchen.

"because some of my friends are coming over for a girls night" she said following behind.

"can I have some friends over then?" I asked since I hadn't seen any of my friends for a while.

"as long as you dont get in the way" she said grinning.

"deal!" I said before running off upstairs to call everyone. After calling everyone I quickly showered and done my hair and makeup and got dressed.

"Liv my friends should be ariving soon so can you come and lay out the table whilst I go get dressed?" mom asked. I did as she asked and even had some time to skype Beau but was interupted when the doorbell went. I rushed downstairs hoping it was my friends but was sadend when I opened the door to mom's friend Lindsay.

"Oh my haven't you changed" she said as she entered the house with both hands full. I didn't know why mom invited her, they are always competitng against each other, its ridiculous.

"do you need help with those bags?" I asked generously hoping she would say no but she took the offer and dumped all her stuff onto me.

"Lindsay... you look fabulous!" mom said as she walked down the stairs in a dramatic way.

"Oh Mariam stop it" she replied as she flicked her hair back. Finally everyone else arived breaking the awkwardness, but then things started to get more awkward at the dinner table.

"So Liv, have you got yourself a boyfriend yet?" Lindsay asked as she took a sip from her wine glass.

"yes Liv, have you?" mom asked raising her eyebrow.

"No, I dont have time for boys with work and all that" I said ask I started to feel my cheek warm up. After a long, boring night moms friends finally left and so did mine except Lexi.

"are you realising that maybe you don't want to be a model anymore?" Lexi asked as we got into bed.

"yeah kind of... I'm thinking about leaving the industry, its brung nothing but negativity to my life and I hate being away from everyone" I said realising I hated being a model. The next morning I arranged a meet up with Elizabeth my manager so I could explain how I felt.

I met her down at a local cafe since she was in town recruiting other clients. We ordered some coffee then began to look into what was best for me.

"I'm not happy with this career" I explained. Elizabeth put down her drink and looked over at me not looking pleased.

"And why are you not happy?" She asked with s stern look on her face.

"I hate being away from home all the time it's pulling my family apart as well as my friendships" I continued to explain.

"Fair enough, I will send some paper work for you to sign yourself out of the contract if that's what you wish" she said before starting to get ready to leave. I felt relieved, although it was a dream of mine from a young age it became un enjoyable and it felt like it was something I had to do and not that I wanted to do. I returned home an explained everything to mom we then signed the papers and sent them off to the agency's headquarters. I felt free for once although I knew it would be all over media but it was sure to die down after a while.

A couple of weeks later, dad and the boys returned home we all had a get together then a party at the boys house with all their friends, it was really good. The next morning I received an email confirming that I was officially unsigned and that I was no longer and model. That meant I had more time to spend with the family and with the boys. Later that day me and Beau went on a little double date with Luke and Lexi to some funfair at the local park. We had a good time with no crazy paparazzi's after us and only a few fans. When I returned home mom and dad was sat at the table I walked in and placed my keys on the counter.

"What's up guys?" I asked curiously as they both stared at me making me feel uncomfortable.

"Just working, oh by the way Elizabeth called to wish you luck in the future" dad said smiling. I smiled back then went up to bed.

The next morning I headed downstairs to make a hot drink, mom and dad were both out the house so I went for a quick warm bath and then started to read PopGlam magazine. That's when my whole life flashed before my eyes, I started to breath differently and my whole body felt numb I knew I was going to be in so much trouble if my parents were to read this article about me. I quickly grabbed the house phone from it stand and started to dial the boys house phone it took at least 3 phone calls till James picked up.

"James please wake Beau up and tell him to come over immediately !" Before I got a simple answer from James I hung up then started to pace round the room, gripping my hair in stress. Finally Beau showed up and I explained how much trouble we was in.

"She told the media everything Beau!" I exclaimed.

"How could she do that! That bitch!" He yelled as he started to freak out also.

Basically Elizabeth told the media everything about me about my depressing past and about mine and Beau's secret on-off relationship of nearly three years. I was fuming, there was no way we could get away with it this time.

I phoned Elizabeth straight away telling her what she did was wrong she had no regret of doing it what so ever and told me that was just life.

"That's sick you twisted old cow" I shouted as well as sobbed.

"That's what happens in the media world sweetie, you just have to get use to it ... Life is full of disappoint it may be awful for you, however I got a shit ton of money for selling your story, bye now have fun in your not so great life" she said laughing before hanging up.

I was absolutely mortified I collapsed to the group and sobbed whilst Beau tried comforting me. It was not long until mom and dad showed up.

"Beau why are you here? And why is Liv on the floor in tears?" Dad asked.

"Dad my life is over and you guys are really going to be disappointed with me" I sobbed

"Your not pregnant are you?" Mom asked curiously.

"No just read the PopGlam article about me and you will see why" I said as I watched mom and dad walk towards the laptop.

"We are so sorry" Beau apologised. We stood back and watched their eyes scan the screen then we watched their faces drop.

"THREE FUCKING YEARS" dad screamed as he looked up at us.

" we are so so sorry dad" I sobbed. Mom said nothing but let dad do all the shouting.

"It wasn't intentional ... We love each other" I said as I took hold of Beaus hand.

"It makes me sick to think that one of my close friends is sleeping around behind my back with my daughter" dad addressed to Beau.

"Ronnie I am so so sorry" he said as he squeezed my hand.

"Ronnie there's nothing we can do now, there young, loves happens if they have stayed together this long we can't do anything now" mom said as she smiled at me.

"It's not that it's just she's my little girl and he's my friend it just don't make sense" dad said as he slammed his head in his hands.

"Beaus only a couple years older than her and he's like what 20 years younger than you he has to have friends and that around his age as well as you" mom said making everything better. I mouthed a Thankyou over to mom as she changed dads opinion completely.

"I'm not saying I'm okay with this but I'm not stopping you two just don't expect me to give you my blessing for marriage" dad said as he hugged us both.

Maybe Elizabeth done us a favour as it made it a lot easier to tell them. We was now able to announce to the world our relationship status without having to worry about anyone finding out.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2015 ⏰

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