chapter 11

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So today mom and dad come home, and to be honest I am so happy that the boys are leaving. I love them all but spending a whole week with them is hard work. And I can't wait to have a propper home cooked dinner by mom, just thinking about it is making my mouth water. The boys all started to get all their bits together, Beau had left the night I had an argument with him so I hadn't seen him since.

 I hadn't been to school either since I made a complete fool out of my self at the dance competition I guess I was to embarresed since I let everyone down. I sat down on the sofa with a cup of hot chocolate when all of a sudden I heard all the boys laughing. I put my drink to the side and got up to see what was so funny. The boys were hanging a sign that read 'welcome home cunts'.

"oh god" I said as I looked up at it laughing.

"we have been making this all morning, what do you think of it?" asked Luke.

"yeah its very artistic" I replied. After I then went and sat back in the living room when all of a sudden I heard a car pull up on the drive. I ran back out in the foyer to where the boys were.

"they are home!" I screamed. All the boys got into place to suprise them as they walked in. The door opened and we all stood there waiting to shout suprise when all of a sudden Beau walked in.

"SUPR... oh its just Beau" said Jai in dissapointment. I kept my head down so I didn't have to look at Beau then finally made an escape as he went into the kitchen.

"you still not talking?" asked Daniel.

"no" I said looking down. Of course I still loved Beau but I was so upset with everything that I just needed space. Finally I see mom and dad pull up so we all got into place again.

"SUPRISE !" we all shouted on the count of three. Mom and dad came in and gave us all hugs.

"how are you my baby" said mom as she squeezed me tight. I felt relief and a lot of pressure come of my shoulders, all I needed was that one hug from my mom that would cheer me up. I don't know why but I started to cry, I just really needed to be comforted by my mom. If I could, I would of stayed with my nan for the week but she was on vacation in hawaii for 2 weeks.

"hey you, whats up?" mom said as she squeezed me tighter.

"I just really missed you guys" I said as I wipped the tears from my eyes.

"come here you little softy" dad said as he held his arms out for me. I ran into his arms and gave him a hug, he picked me up and swung me around. I looked over his shoulder to see Beau staring at me but I looked back at dad and smiled.

"I hope the boys took care of you" Dad said as he turned round to the boys and gave them a cheeky grin.

"yeah, yeah ... although they could all do with some cooking lessons" I replied laughing.

"how was your dance competition?" mom then asked.

"oh yeah it was alright, we came second" I replied smiling. After the boys left, mom started to cook dinner and we all had a family night in. Just me, mom, dad and Dexter the cat. After dinner I had a nice hot bath then put on my pjamas then we all snuggled up and watched TV.

The next morning mom woke me up with a cup of tea and breakfast in bed. After I done my hair and makeup and put on some clothes. Mom picked Lexi up from her house and dropped us to school. Ashley kept digging at me all day with nasty comments and threats. It had been moved in science to Ashleys class and just so happened seated behind her. The teacher was talking about the positive and negative sides of a magnet when all of  a sudden Ashley turned round to me.

"Yeah you should always be positive" she said grinning at me.

"Positive like your HIV?" I said causing everyone to gasp. That felt so good,Ashley was humiliated and ran out of class crying.

"can everyone like not stare at me?" I said as I folded my arms. Everyone turned back round and the teacher carried on with his lesson. I felt so over powering, I actually felt proud. After school finished me and Lexi walked home and I told her everything that happened in my new science class. As we parted to go our seperate ways a car drove beside me. The windows rolled down and the car stopped.

"Liv" Beau said as he looked out the window.

"ugh" I replied and carried on walking up the hill. Beau drove beside me slowly like a creepy stalker.

"please get in the car so we can talk" he said as I stopped.

"fine" I walked round to the passanger seat and got in the car. Beau smiled to himself.

"you have untill we get to my house, so make it quick" I demanded.

"I love you and I hope you still love me" he said as he looked at me and smiled.

"of course I do, and we are still together I just said I won't talk to you untill she gets an abortion" I said as I looked over at him.

"I promise, we have an appointment for next tuesday" He said smiling. We pulled up outside my house, Beau was visiting my dad so he came in with me. Beau went straight over to dad so I went and sat with mom in the kitchen.

"can we make some cakes?" I asked. I don't know why but I was craving for some cake.

"sure, can we make it into a youtube video ?" mom then replied.

"yeah that will be funny" I said laughing. After we filmed the youtube video of us making cakes we edited it then uploaded it. Beau even done a little cameo in the video because he came in to get a drink.

"your teacher phoned up today, he said you had an argument with someone" mom said as she walked over to the table with two slices of cake for us.

"yeah, she was starting on me so I said something mean to her"

"has she been bullying you? do you want me to pull you out of  school?" mom said worried.

"no she was just giving me a hard time over a boy ... I made her cry after so I don't think she will be messing with me anymore" I said as I took a bite from the cake.

"well what did you say to her to make her cry?"

"well we was learning about the positive and negative reactions on a magnet and she turned round to me and said that I should be positive so I replied with 'what like your HIV' and everyone laughed and she got embarresed and run out of class" I explained. I looked over at mom to see her laughing.

"omg Liv ... you do have your dads humour" she said still laughing.

After a lovely evening with mom, I went and watched a movie in bed. I never usually watch movies in bed because I would usually watch them in the cinema room. I feel so much happier now that I have worked out everything with Beau and I hope this time we will actually work out.

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