Chapter 10

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My outfit is on and I'm ready to kill. I'm not sure what we should do with lily, if we take her she will see us killing people and may get freaked out, and if we leave her home she will be able to looks around the house.

"I can stay here with lily." Kara volunteers
"I believe I can watch myself, after all I am not a child." Other words she is saying she wants harry to get in her pants, she disgust me.
"I won't go snooping in your house if that is what you were thinking." she says giving me a smile.
"Whatever." I say, I go and lock all of the doors just incase she changes her mind.
I grab Harry's hand and we walk out the door, jack and Kara follow behind us.
We teleport to the woods, the dark woods that welcomes us with open arms. The breeze flows through my hair, I inhale the scent, dampness filling my nose. I missed the woods, and killing those who I saw fit. My soul aches for the warmth of blood on my finger tips . The victory and satisfaction of taking ones life is mesmerizing itself. The sun is moving beyond the horizon and the moons light shines in the darkening shy.

"Let's sit on these logs and wait for our victim. " I say
I hear footsteps, more than two feet for sure. It sounds like a group of people.

"We're in for a hell of a party tonight." says jack and I look over to him

"Hide your knives, I like conversation." I say looking in between the trees and shrubs in the distance, hoping to get a glance at our pray. The group walks from out of the path into the open space, they see us and we see them. there are two girls and two guys, they look like the they could be our age or a little younger. we all stand at the same time and walk towards them, "hello are you all lost?"

"No I don't think so we were all just hanging out and my friend Max came up with the idea of going through the woods. He said if we didn't we were all pussies so we decided to prove him wrong." Said the blonde and they all chuckled in agreement

"So why are you all out here, I mean it was pretty quiet. We didn't notice you until we saw you guys, just you know, siting here." Says the tall muscular guy who has a girl clinging to his arm

"We are staying at a cabin down the way, but right now we are hunting, that's why we were so quiet." says Kara

"That's pretty cool what are you guys hunting?" Asked the other boy

"Oh, people." I say smiling

They all look around at one another, letting my words register.

"Run." I whisper taking out my knife

They begin to sprint, Kara throws her knife, it sinks into the back of the blondes skull. She falls on her knees and her face hits the dirt.

Me and harry follow the couple. They are running as fast as possible, unfortunately they will not be fast enough. The girl trips and sits there panting.

"Let's go Jess, we will die." tears begin to fall
"I don't want to fight anymore Joe."
"Please I can carry you."
"I'm pregnant Joe, sorry I didn't tell you sooner." He sits down next to her, rocking her back a forth.
We are standing in front of the couple.
"Kill me not her, please."
"oh we were going to kill you." I say giggling
"I want to save my baby, it doesn't deserve to die, please."
I look at harry, and he looks at me. I kneel down placing my hands on her stomach, I close my eyes, concentrating. I open them again and her stomach begins to glow.
"what's happening." she Asks looking in my eyes.
"I'm advancing the babies developmental stages, you're having this baby tonight. We are at about 6 months."
"Oh my god, why are you doing this."
"Because I always wanted a baby."
"You people are sick." joe says looking from me to harry.
"Keep talking and you will kill you before you see your son." I say showing him my knife. She begins to scream in pain.
"You are having contractions, your baby will be coming soon. Harry pull off her pants." harry undos her pants and slides them down, he then grabs her underwear.
"hey can he not touch all over my girlfriend."
"Shut the fuck up, please." Says harry
" It's okay harry me and Kara will take it from here." Kara sits beside me and gives me a smile.

Harry pov:

" come on get up. " I say pushing the guy that sits next to his girlfriend. He stands to his feet and starts walking away looking back at the girl every few seconds.

"She will be fine stop worrying about her."
"How should I know that, at this point I can't really trust you people."
"She is having the baby isn't she?"
"Listen mate I just want to have a family, I want a future. Think about if what if you and you wife were about to be killed by people you never met before."
"that wouldn't happen."
"Well just think for a second that it would." he says and stops walking
"Stop playing these mind games I don't like them and they aren't going to change your fate." Jack walks up to us and is breathing heavily.

"The guy was a fighter, and good enough to get away."
"what the fuck jack how is that possible."
"He hit me over the head and I blacked out, but he was loosing a lot of blood, he won't make it out of the woods."
"Fine, we will go after him later."
"Why aren't they dead yet?"
"Alana is doing some ritual shit to make the girl have the baby, they will be dead soon."

The boy tries for reach for my knife and I immediately slice his throat. blood gushes everywhere. I hear a baby crying and we walk over to the girls. The baby is in Alana's arms and a knife sits in between Jessica's eyes.

"When the baby came out I killed her, if she was alive for any longer I would feel remorseful. Where is the boy."

"Dead, he tried to take my knife so I killed him."

"Good. isn't our baby beautiful harry?" Alana says her smile wide and her eyes full of admiration.

"Yes but not as beautiful as you, and don't get too attached, the baby isn't our own. It should not be loved too much."

"I understand." Alana says looking back to me

Lily pov:

I sit in these shrubs watching from a far distance. I knew there was something up with these sick bitches. killing the innocent and taking the baby from the mothers arms. They are pretty twisted, but not as much as me. I'll be the one killing them before they even have the chance to kill me.

Beautifully Demonic // Harry StylesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin