Chapter 6

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My body is numb, I think it is time for me to go inside. I stand up, my legs wobbly. I stand here for a second, I feel high on my emotions, I feel trapped inside my mind, unable to escape it. I am angry, and I need to get it out, i know exactly how do so. I walk into the house and go straight to my bedroom. I go to my closet, pulling out my hunting jacket. I get dressed and put on my boots, finishing the look, I'm ready. I walk over to my wall and grab a knife, running it along my fingertip. I go into the living room and wait for harry to notice my presence.
"I need to go hunting, you coining or not?"
"We'll look who is begging me to kill." His infamous smirk rising along his face. He changes his clothes and comes back looking sexier than ever. I turn toward the door and walk Into the cold, I see the sun beginning to set. I stop and harry stands beside me, I grab his hand remembering what to do, and close my eyes. We come back to were I remember. the dark place were people are robbed from their innocence, dying because they simply made a bad decision, coming into these unforgiving woods. I stand behind a shrub, my body unseen. Harry stands beside me, going along with my plan. Deep in my heart I know this is some what morbid, but my emotions are saying shut the hell up. Someone's life will be in my hands, the thought makes me feel warm on the inside. I used to believe harry was insane, but come on what is insanity anyway? I have no one, my family has abandoned me, this emptiness inside me is filled with my love for killing. No one will understand me, and at this point I don't want to go home, I am home. A girl is approaching us, she has a flashlight in hand and from the glowing light I can make out her face. She is beautiful. Her hair is long and blonde down to her hips, her pale skin fits her perfectly. I remember how ugly I am, I am a potato compared to her, this gives me more of an urge to kill her.
"We will wait for her to pass." Harry says just enough for me to hear.
"What so you can stare at her ass?" He begins to chuckle lowly
"No Alana she isn't even that pretty." My mouth drops but I say nothing. I grip my knife, my knuckles turning white. I continue to watch the girl, I feel harry staring at me.
"What?" I whisper turing to him
"Don't put yourself below anyone, never say you aren't pretty or beautiful, because you are in every way." He pauses for a second. " but just because I said that it doesn't change anything, we kill people together, thats it." She passes us and I slowly rise from my knelt position. I stepped from behind the bushes, making little to no sound. Harry swiftly follows behind. I grab Harrys hand and hide my knife he looks at me confused. I mouth ' play along' to him he nods. The girl turns around, worry was in her eyes but then it soon went away.
"Good evening, I'm glad I ran into you both, I was kind of lost and wasn't sure of which way to go."
"Well the path spits in two, you take the left side." The girl slowly nods and turns her head to the side.
"So why are you two out here? It looks like your hunting." She questions a smile set across her face.
" well... we were just looking for someone to murder on this beautiful night." Harry says showing his smirk. I slowly reveal my knife mimicking harry, tilting my head in an eerie fashion. The girl catches on and begins to sprint away, I am quick on my feet, only a few yards away from her. She sees the two paths and stops, I stand behind her. "Don't run again, if you do my knife will be thrown into the back of your skull, now turn around." I scream my breathe hitched from running. She turns around, her eyes are big, her mouth is slightly opened. I walk toward her, grabbing her wrist. I struggle with her for a little bit and then push her to the ground. I swing my knife between my fingers,more forming a little show, the fear is shown in her eyes, she is unable to talk. I begin to stab her chest multiple times. Every time my knife sinks into her flesh satisfaction flows throughout me. With my final stab into her limp body i whisper, "this was for you mikey." Twisting the knife around multiple times before yanking it out. I run my knife along the grass getting most of the blood off, I feel great, I feel amazing, and for the first time in a while I feel superior. I look at her face, my sudden actions took her by surprise, you can tell. I move my hand along her face, closing her eyes, and I push my hand under her jaw to close her mouth. I stand up to find harry behind me, he looks lost for words. Pretty bitches die, and so do the weak, they will have eternal sleep..


Short chapter and I'm sorry I haven't updated in a little while but I have a few chapters already typed so I promise I will update more frequently. Thanks for being patient, you guys are awesome! ~ Nari xx

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