Chapter 3

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I hold on to Alana, her body warm, her body relaxed. I thought she was going to chicken out, but she didn't . Many girls I try to keep either kill theirselves, runs away, or keeps throwing tantrums until I can't take their shit anymore. That I don't have time for, so I erase their memories of me and let them find there way home, on the other hand Alana is strong, strong like Annabelle. Annabelle was a girl I kept for a long time, she lasted longer than any girl i ever had before, until demons killed her. They were after me and I didn't want to die, so I gave her up instead. They burned her to death, since that's the only way you can kill a demon, I loved her but not enough to save her and kill myself. There is something I like about Alana, she is fearless and is willing to do whatever she has to do to survive. She killed someone on her first night with me and no one has ever done that before, not even Annabelle. I need her to know I don't feel this way toward her, because she will only use it agents me. She has to think she is alone, alone on a game of life or death, and if you want life you must fight.

I open my eyes to see woods, and the sun slowly beginning to rise. I feel arms around me, Harry's arms, I quickly jump away and look at him, he looks hurt but quickly covers it with anger. He stands to his feet and stares at me.

"Let's go we have some training to do, I shouldn't have let you sleep this long."
I get up and he reaches out his hand and I grab it, I close my eyes like before and we are in front of the cabin. I walk towards the door and I hear harry following close behind me. I step out of the way so he can unlock the door, he unlocks the door and walks in, I was exspect inch him to let me go first, but of course not. When I get inside I sit on the couch in the living room and watch harry walk around the kitchen.

"I'm making breakfast."

"Okay I'm going to the bathroom." Maybe him cooking will give me some time to look around. I get up for my seat and walk toward the hallway. I see the rooms from earlier, mines, Harrys, and the bathroom.
I look to find a room I never happened to notice before, there are no signs of harry, I open the door ajar and step forward making the wood creek beneath my feet.

"What are you doing Alana, no wondering." He grabs my wrist , peeling it off the handle and quickly closing the door .

"That room is off limits, let's go breakfast is ready."

"If you weren't so demanding you would have a chance of me liking you."
I see a smirk appear on his face for a second but quickly changes to a stern expression.

"You don't have to act tough all the time Harry, it's okay to be laid back every once in a while." I see his body tighten and then loosen, it's like he is always on guard,I need to find out why that is exactly.
I sit at the table and before us is bacon, eggs, toast, and two plates opposite of each other. I sit in front of a plate and pick up a piece of toast, spreading butler along it. Harry gets a mountain of everything, and looks at me. I finish my toast and watch him as he continues to eat.

" So you mean to tell me I made all of this food and all you ate was toast."

"The food that took you but two minutes, yes." I say testing his patients

"You will be having a lot of training today and I don't want you to eat only toast."

"Someone sounds concerned?" I say raising a brow

"Forget it Alana." I shrug my shoulders and stand from my seat, he watches me closely but says nothing. I walk to the sink washing my plate, I feel Harry standing behind me and I turn around.

"How did you know I was here." He says puzzled

"I'm not human harry." I say smiling, and he can't help but smile at my joke
I turn back around and continue to wash the dishes, going into deep thought. There is something about Harry, he is very fucked up but there is more to him. He is like a drug, I want to leave and go home to my friends and family but then again,I don't want to. It this just feels, natural. My mind goes blank and someone else's thoughts fill me head, harry's.
It's just something about her, I don't know why I feel this way. It's like she is decoding me, unraveling what is underneath this bad guy, this monster. I don't like how she has power, as much power as me, it's like my guard is down when she is around. Maybe she is better than Annabelle, maybe she, no no no. I need to stop thinking because thinking leads to feelings.
Who is Annabelle?
I feel my wrist being yanked and I am quickly pinned agents the wall.

"You were you listening to my thoughts Alana?!"

"I don't know Harry it just happen okay, damn."

"What did you hear." He asks turning his head to one side

"I don't know everything I guess."

"Don't fucking do it again."

"I'll try."

"No you will." He pushes me away and turns off the faucet.

"You need to control your anger."

"You need to mind your fucking business."

"Let's go it's time for training, don't get surprised if you break a nail."

"I'm not like every other girl, I'm not a prissy bitch, like Annabelle probably was." I regret the words that just came out of my mouth. Harry quickly turns around, his eyes red, not black but red. One of his huge hands grasp my throat, making it impossible for me to breath.

"Who the fuck do you think you are!" I swat at the hand that is around my throat. His hand is so tight I cannot speak, my face turning blue from the lack of air.

"Since you can't answer me get the fuck out." He continues to choke me while walking toward the front door. When he opens the door he throws me out, slamming the door behind me. I fall on my hands and knees, my breathe rapid, trying to make up for the air that has been missed. The fall air is around me, instantly making me cold. After I catch my breathe I sit on the porch my back agents the door, pulling my knees to my chest. I sit here, letting the cold surround me, my face turning red from the cold. Anger begins to build inside me, for one him putting me in the cold, and for me being dumb enough to talk about his precious Annabelle. I stand up and try the handle , locked, i begin to pound on the door, "let me in harry you can't let me stay out here all night." I pound on the door for a few more seconds and then stop. I walk along the porch to a window, I try it and it opens a little, I keep trying until there is enough space for me to climb through. I stick one leg in and place it on the floor, I try to get my balance before I put the rest of my body through this small opening. I slide though the window and get inside the cabin, I pull my other leg in and fall to the floor. I stand up and turn to see harry before me.

"A little brighter then I thought huh?" He tilts his head to the side, his face emotionless.

"Yeah just a little."

"Your lucky you used your head, I would have let you get frost bite or even worse eaten by the wolves they love the taste of human, wait let me correct myself demon flesh."
My hand moves faster than me and Harrys brain can process, it slaps him along his face, hard. It takes harry a second to notice what happened, he turns toward me and looks as though he is going to loose his shit.

"You bitch." his hand reaches out to grab me but I quickly dodge it, he looks furious now and I can't help but laugh.

"You deserved it, I couldn't breathe for about two minutes because your huge fingers were around my throat."

"Go to your fucking room, before I really hurt you."

"Not If I kill you first." I say testing him

"If you don't fucking leave, I will not hesitate to kick to you out again, making sure to lock every opening."
I give him a Curtsy and walk off to my room, I love to push people's buttons, even if it means getting a little burned myself.
Authors note: thanks for reading :)

Beautifully Demonic // Harry StylesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin