Chapter 1

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Walking though the woods, knowing someone is there, following me, watching me. I walk a little faster, paranoia racing though my mind. What the hell do they want, who are they, what will they do to me. I see a shadow, trying to make myself believe there wasn't one. I took the woods thinking it was a short cut, clearly it was a terrible idea. Looking at the sky, I stop for a second mesmerizing the full moon. A branch cracks behind me, making me jump and I pull out my pocket knife, and with that it is quickly slapped out of my hand. I take in the persons face noticing its harry, the kid I was never too sure about. The moonlight shines on his beautiful face, showing his emerald eyes, looking as though he is craving something, wanting something.

"Jesus Harry you scared me." He says nothing but stares at me.

"Well I'm glad it was you and not anyone else." He continues to stare, seconds going by, nothing being said.

"Okay your starting to scare me." He slowly blinks his eyes turning from green to black, making me quickly jump, walking away backwards. A smile is spread across his face, as I keep backing up I trip, landing on my ass, great.

"Ha- Harry you really don't want to do this, or whatever you are planing to do."

"Oh yes I do." he says chuckling "Harry I know you, you would never do this, you would never hurt me."

"One you don't know me, and two I would hurt anyone darling." He steps toward me and I immediately start to crawl backward.

"Oh don't run baby, you will only make me more angry." He grabs my wrist yanking me up, placing a hand around my throat.

"Don't fucking move, it will be quick."she screamed as his eyes, those black eyes watched her die before him.


I'm standing here in the grocery store, looking at a box of cookies, I place them in the cart and continue my shopping. Jade my roomie hates shopping, well let me rephrase that, grocery shopping. I get the necessities, which consist of frozen pizza, Nutella, and hot pockets, whose complaining? I place my items on the conveyor belt, looking at the guy ringing up my food, he's cute but not my type, and from the redness in his cheeks and the stupid look on his face I can tell he likes me. I try to act like I don't notice. I finish paying and grab my bags.

"D-Do you need help with your bags." He says, face still red

"I can manage." As soon as the words slip out of my mouth I quickly regret it, his face turned form paranoid to a 5 year old kid who's puppy ran away. I give him a smile that says sorry and walked away.

I get in the car and turn on the radio, heading back to my flat. I take the lift and head to where me and Jade stay, grabbing the keys from my pocket I open the front door.

"Jade." I say opening the door

"In here Alana."

I put the groceries down in the kitchen and follow her voice to her room. She sits on her bed, texting someone.

"Frat party tonight, let's go." She says looking up from her phone, smiling at me.

"Okay, I'm going to ask Michael if he is coming." I say taking my phone from my back pocket, quickly texting him.

"I swear you two are dating." She giggles

"No, we are just friends, that's like saying you and Eric are dating."

"Oh hell no." She says laughing

"Exactly, I'm going to go get ready." I turn on my heel walking out the room

Jade and Eric are friends, but if I said that I knew she would understand.

I get in my room and flop on the bed, instead of waiting for Michael's text i call him. He picks up on the second ring and I scream in the phone.

Beautifully Demonic // Harry StylesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin