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Once pain is engrained, we do what ever we can to avoid it again. Don't get in to deep.


"Is you fucking any other girls other then me?" Ari asked as she looked at me

I chuckled. "Who I'm fucking ain't yo business, ion even know why you felt comfortable enough to open your mouth and ask me that" I said as I looked at her

"What do you mean. I don't know who else you be fucking, they could have STD's for all I know" she and as she looked at me

"Shut up yo ass got a STD" I said as I sucked my teeth

"Boy don't play with me, I gets checked baby" she and as she nudged my shoulder

I chuckled. She then got her stuff together and ordered her Uber. I was heading to a meeting with the Mexicans and I needed the sex before I went. To start my day off right I locked the door after she left and made my way back upstairs to finish getting dressed. I was just getting out of the shower when she left I soon then slipped on my shoes and grabbed my keys and headed downstairs.


I sat in my room bored. I didn't have work all week due to me starting school on campus. I'll be doing online and sometimes in school due to having to balance out work and my schedule. I had just finished and turned in my work and I missed Bari. Ever since are argument I feel like he's definitely pushing me away. I know now that I do have feelings for him and I'm willing to try if he'll actually do his part.

I sent him the second text message after the first that I sent to him earlier this morning. I sighed noticing he was ignoring me because he was posting on Snapchat. So I simply deleted my message and got up and went to my dancing room. It just had a stripping pole in it and some couches I went in there when I need to or feel like I want to dance.


I pulled up to Nevaeh's house and parked my car. I picked my phone up and called her phone waiting for her to answer.

"Hello?" She answered after the 4th ring

"Unlock the door" I said sternly as I sat there

She just hung up. I got out the car slowly after grabbing my stuff and made my way to the doorstep I then opened the door and she stood there in the kitchen drinking water. I walked over to her standing behind her making sure she could feel my boner.

"I missed you" I said as I kissed her neck

She just slowly turned around and looked at me.

"No you didn't, cause I've been messaging your phone and you treat me like I'm one of you begging ass hoes. And I'm not so if that's how it's gonna be leave" she said as she looked at me with an attitude

I just stared at her.


"I'm sorry. Ima start answering you alright?" He asked as me as he looked me in my eyes

I looked down and just nodded. He picked me up wrapping my legs around his waist and carrying me to the room. I was dressed in a tank top and shorts I had a straight lace frontal running 30 inches down to my booty. He laid me on the bed and collapsed his body on me. He only came to me when he wanted to sleep.

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