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"Once pain is engrained, we do anything we can to avoid it again. Don't get in to deep"


I sighed as I laid on my bed feeling like shit. I haven't been working for the past two weeks do to me throwing up all day for the past month. I was unsure why I was so sick and I couldn't get out of bed. I couldn't keep food down or even stand I've been feeling really down and depressed. I haven't left my house or seen any of my friends or Bari in a whole month.

He's been posting him partying and working and I'm here sick and depressed. It just hurts me that he doesn't care about how he made me feel. I feel dumb and I just feel used every time I thought about it it bring tears to my eyes. I haven't had any hair appointments and I had to reschedule all of my appointments for this month to next month due to me not feeling well.

I was going to the doctors today to find out why I was feeling this way all month. I was struggling to get myself out of bed but I slowly removed my covers and got up. My body was sore and I could already feeling the vomit coming up my throat. I quickly ran to the toilet and through up holding my stomach. I then got up and flushed the toilet and rinsed my mouth. I got on the shower and I brushed my teeth and washed my face which made me feel a little more alive. I then turned off the water and reached for my towel and wrapped it around my body.

I made my way to my closet and begun drying off my body. I then applied lotion, deodorant and body spray before putting on my tracksuit. For some reason I didn't like tight clothing as much right now. I walked back to my washroom and moisturized my face. I slicked my natural hair into a topknot bun applied lipgloss and then grabbed my phone keys and wallet. I headed to the door and slipped on my Yeezy slides before opening my house door and making my way out.

I locked the door and proceeded to my car. I got in and started it up before driving off to the doctors.


I was at Sarah and Delay's house because we had a drop to do this afternoon.

"Yo" I said as I looked at Sarah

"Yeah" she said as she stopped well rubbing her belly

Her baby shower was this month and Nevaeh was planning it.

"How's your friend?" I asked as I looked at her

"What friend?" She asked

"What you mean what friend. What other friend" I said as I gave her a duh look

"Oh Nevaeh, she's fine a girl gotta move on and do better right? Sometimes you little boys forget us girls don't need y'all to live" She said as she smirked

I just looked at her blankly. "What you mean she moved on, she fucking another nigga?" I asked as I looked at her sternly

I don't care if I haven't spoke to her in a month. She should know better then to be fucking with a next nigga. At the end of the day she's my girl no matter what we go through I might act like I don't care but if I didn't care I wouldn't be checking up on her through Sarah.

"Just because I said she moved on doesn't mean it involves another man. Girls don't just seek for men we have other goals in life, I mean her business is her business if you wanna know all this ask her. It's okay to let her know you miss her Bari" she said as she chuckled

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