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"Once pain is engrained, we do everything we can to avoid it again. Don't get in to deep"


"Ima territorial ass nigga, so I feel like my bitch can't do certain shit. And if she do it then she ain't my bitch" I said sternly  as I shrugged

Everyone agreed. We was by Cleo's crib smoking, drinking and chillin. I had some stuff to handle later on in the day regarding to work and I was then going to go see Nevaeh.

Nevaeh and Sarah do this cringy shit where on the 9th of every month they celebrate her pregnancy due date that is getting closer and closer. So they was out getting they're feet and nails done then going for dinner.

"We gon be back we gonna go down the street to my moms right quick" I said as I stood up

Jermaine stood up as well and followed me to the door. I then walked outside and went straight to my G wagon waiting for Jermaine to get in. Once he did I pulled off down the street to my moms crib.

I walked straight in after opening up her front door.

"Momma!" I yelled making my grand entrance like I always do

"Yes Jabari, I'm in the kitchen" she said causing me to smile

I made my way straight there. I was always mommas boy even when my dad was around the way he treated my mom I grew to make sure my mom would never be treated that way ever again.

"Hey baby" she said as she kissed my cheek

"Sup ma you good?" I asked as I hugged her

"Always you?" She asked me as she kissed my brother

She sees him a lot more often then me. I stop by every couple months I don't always have free time on my hands. My mom pays no bills she doesn't even have to worry about groceries in her fridge because I have that covered. I'm order to keep that coming I have to hustle and to hustle I have to stay busy.

"What you cooking?" Jermaine asked as he looked in the pot

"Boy move" she said as she slapped his hand

He chuckled and so did I.

"Im just making something quick this is just stew beef and rice. Go on upstairs and talk to your sister, she's been waiting for you to come over to help her with her TV box. I have to talk to your brother anyway" she told Jermaine

I sighed already knowing how this conversations a was gonna go. He walked out the kitchen smirking at me I just sat there blankly. Ima grown ass man so I was ready for whatever.

"It don't hurt to come see your mom Jabari" she said as she side eyed me

I just rolled my eyes. "Ma you still on this, you know I'm not home 24/7. You know where I be at shit don't just come by ease I gotta be on my shit" I said as I sat back

She looked at me. "Watch your language, what you been up to. Jermaine and Jaya been telling me you been laid up wit some girl" she said as she looked at me with a smile

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