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Once that pain is engrained, we do everything we can to avoid it again. Don't get in too deep


I had just finished beating my face and my hair was beyond straight. Today was that little barbecue that Sarah wanted me to go to. I decided just to show my face for no more then one or two hours. I went into my mirror and recorded a quick video of myself.

I soon then grabbed my purse and keys and headed out of my room. I made my way to my front door and slipped on my slides and walked outside. I locked my condo door before walking off my porch and to my car. When I got inside I pulled off to rose well bobbing my head to Summer Walker.

After about 15 minutes I approached Sarah's house and I parked my car in her drive way. I got out the car and made my way to over where I heard loud music playing. Kids were running around with face paint and prizes. Music was blasting and the smell of good food filled the air. As I approached I looked around for Sarah, I soon spotted her sitting with Delay and the rest of his friends and I slowly made my way over.

I smiled as I watched the kids. They were so happy it wasn't like this when I was growing up. Seeing all these old faces kilt me inside, these were simple reasons why I didn't want to ever show my face in rose. I just hope and prayed people didn't recognize me the last thing I needed was to be the talk of this barbecue.

"Hey bitch!" Sarah yelled hugging me

"Hey" I said lowly avoiding eye contact with anybody around

I slipped on my shades after taking a seat next to her on some bench. Music was playing and it was good music it kinda highlighted Some of the good things in my child hood. I stared at the ball court and watched the kids running around in the park. I noticed Bari picking up some kids and tossing them in the air making them laugh. I watched as he handed each one out of the four kids that were playing with him one hundred dollars. I smiled he looked like he was good with kids.

I then looked down and went on my phone for a bit.

"Sup pretty" I heard a familiar voice

I looked up and seen Bari standing in front of me. He had a chain on his neck of a lion it looked hella expensive and Also had top grills in. He looked pretty expensive if you asked me.

"Hi" I said as I chuckled and waved

"You decided to come huh?" He said as he sat next to me

I nodded. He then slouched back.

"You still ain't give me a answer, it's been a whole ass month. You playin' with a nigga" he said as he looked at me

"I needed time to think, still haven't made up my mind" I said as I smiled

"Well at least I got a smile outta you, before you ain't even wanna look at a nigga" he said as he giggled

I just smiled and slightly blushed.

"Ima holla at you in a bit, when you plan on leaving?" He asked me

"The next two hours" I said quietly

"Alright pretty" he said before walking away

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