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"One pain is engrained, we do everything we can to avoid it again. Don't get in to deep"


I had left Mexico last weekend and came back. Bari just came back yesterday and I still haven't seen him. I'm just waking up but I'm guessing he's still sleeping cause he hasn't wrote me yet.

Tyler has been calling and texting my phone but I haven't been answering him. I decided to FaceTime Bari and he answered.

"Sup mamas" he said as he held the phone with his right hand and steered with the left

I smiled. "Nothing, what you doing?" I asked as I stared at him

"On my way to the T, what you doing. You hungry?" He asked me

"Yea I just woke up, I miss you though" I said as I smiled

"I miss you to mamas, Ima holla at you later aight" he said causing me to sigh

"Okay" I said quietly

The phone then hung up. I was upset. I wanted to talk to him because I haven't saw him since he's came back. I just laid back down and slowly drifted asleep.


I drove to the T to handle what I had to handle. When I got there I parked my car and got out making my way inside past my security. I then walked straight to my office and opened the door. I smiled as my package sat down in my office. I called my assistant in to start checking the orders to make sure we received all the product and also the right amount of product.

I then grabbed my keys and made my way back out the room and to my car. When I got inside I pulled off going straight to get some wings, fries, and Mac & cheese at D-spot.

I sat in my car and called Nevaeh waiting for her to answer.

"Hello" she mumbled

"Open the door" I said sternly as I sat back in my seat

She then hung up and I unlocked the door grabbing the food and I soon got out the car. I then closed my door and locked my car making my way to her porch. I opened the door and took my shoes off I then made my way to her room and she was laid out under her white duvet. I put the food on her dresser and lifted up her blanket revealing her in underwear and bra.

"Sup sexy" I said as I slapped and grabbed a handful of her ass and pecking her lips

She blushed and covered her face well she pulled the blankets back up.

"Why you covering back up. I took it off for a reason" I said as I held a straight face


"Boy bye I'm cold. I missed you though" I said as I smiled

"Nah stop playing wit me" he said as he removed the covers from my body

"What did I do?" I asked confused with an attitude

"Shutup before I beat you up" he said as he removed his clothes

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