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Once that pain is engrained, we do everything we can to avoid it again. Don't get in too deep.


I stood outside of the corner store. I was playing dice with my nigga's. This was a non frequent thing so when we gambled we gambled big. I looked up as I heard my nigga's whistle, a group of bitches walked by. Ain't none of them was as bad as Nevaeh but I mean shit it's whatever. The girls stopped as my nigga's made there moves hollering, getting snaps and numbers.

"Bari, you don't know me no more?" Tiana asked as she looked at me

I just looked around and stood there with a mean mug. I had to be aware of my surroundings nigga's could roll up on me anytime.

"It ain't even like that, I didn't even notice you" I said as I looked her up and down as she approached me

"Mhm, I haven't heard from you in a while. You found a new partner?" She asked as she looked at me

I chuckled. "I've just been laying low these past three weeks, I could swing by and pay a visit tonight" I said as I looked at her

"Okay, I'll see you tonight" she said as she slid her hands from my chest down to my manhood and smirked well walking away

I just nodded. She didn't excite me. I can't tell you a time I've made love to a girl, I just be fucking them. No bitch has caught my eye like Nevaeh did she just made a nigga wanna plant a seed in her. I'm territorial, once I get her she gotta be mines forever.

I continued the game and I soon felt a tap on my back. I turned around and it was a junky. He itches his head and twitched as he looked at me.

"Bari, guys from north side are at Luke's house trapping. They told me to get the word to you" Jake said as he looked at me

I nodded. I then handed him what he deserved before checking my car for my strap and making my way down the street. Nigga's from the other side already know they ain't suppose to be over here. This is our block where my corner boys sale so we always regulate nigga's who violate the rule. Sale on your own block. I knocked gently well covering the peek hole.

"Who is it?" I heard Luke's rusty voice

The music was loud and I could smell the weed and alcohol from outside on the porch. As soon as he swung open the door I pistol whipped him watching him fall to the ground holding his head. I aimed my two guns both pistols with extended clips at to targets and stepped on Luke who was on the floor.

"Fuck you guys doing round here. This ain't y'all side?" I asked as I looked at the three teenagers they looked to be about eighteen or nineteen.

"We selling, fuck else?" One of them spoke with bravery.

I chuckled. His choice of words ran through my head and automatically hit the switch. I pulled the trigger with no hesitation letting a bullet go straight through his thick skull. I smiled as I watched the blood pour out the bullet hole in between the middle of his eyebrows.

"Anybody else got something smart to say?" I asked as I aimed my guns at the other two teenagers.

They both had there hands up in surrender.

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