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Once that pain is engrained, we do everything we can to avoid it again. Don't get in too deep.


"Ugh!" I yelled as I grew anger because my lash wasn't cooperating

I reapplied it and it went on fine and I just rolled my eyes. Today was Wednesday and yes I did decide to go on the little date with Bari. I reassured him that we were going as friends and nothing but friends.

I had just finished my makeup and I was wearing a basic fit today. I had on a velvet material grey tracksuit, cute UGGS and, a white hat with a puff ball on the top. My phone begun ringing cutting of my music I picked it up off my vanity and answered after reading Bari's name across my screen.

"Hello?" I said as I answered

"Address?" He asked

"222 Lesley road east, the condos" I said as I tidied up my makeup that was everywhere

"Alright be there in 10" he said

"Okay" I replied before hanging up

I then stood up and cleaned up my room picking up all the clothes that I had went through to get one damn outfit. I grabbed my lip gloss, phone and, purse before walking out my room. My apartment never really got dirty due to the fact that I had no kids and nobody really visited. Family is a non-factor to me so the only people that really have been to my house are Sarah and Delay.

I was sitting on my couch and about five minutes passed and there was a knock on my door. I stood up knowing exactly who it was but I still checked my peephole to be hundred percent sure. I opened my door and there stood Bari in a all black Polo tracksuit and, white airforces. His waves were beautiful and, he wore a Rolex on his wrists along with a chain that had a lion pendant on it.

"Sup pretty" he said as he smiled

I just waved and stepped out the door closing it. I locked it and followed behind him walking to his car.

"I brung out the special whip for you, you like Range Rovers?" He asked as he opened the passenger seat door

"Yeah, it's my dream car. Jet black with pink rims" I said as I smiled

He smirked. "Dreams come true" he said as he looked at me and smiled

I just ignored him getting in the car.

"Thanks" I said as he held the door open

He nodded before slamming it and walking over to the drivers side. I watched as he walked pass the front windshield and he walked exactly like a thug. He has the limp, the lean. He had the mean mug on his face as he looked around watching his surroundings. As he got inside the car I had just finished buckling my seatbelt.

"You good?" He asked as he looked at me

I nodded. He then started the car and pulled out of the parking lot.

"Food is boring, movies boring. So you tryna go some place fun?" he asked as he looked at me

I nodded. "Yeah, let's go Fun world. It's up the street on silica road. I've always wanted to go there, especially as a kid I never got the ch-" I said stopping myself realizing I said to much

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