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Once that pain is engrained, we do everything we can to avoid it again. Don't get in too deep.


I was outside of my work waiting for Bari. I didn't drive to work last night because I was to tired so I just took a Uber and asked Bari to pick me up. When his car pulled up I walked over to it and opened the door. I got in and put my seatbelt on I could feel him staring at me.

"Morning" I said as I looked at him

"Morning pretty" he said as he moved his eyes to the road

I could tell he had just woke up cause he had a deep sleepy voice. The voice that I loved. He then pulled off, my condo wasn't that far from where I worked so it didn't take us that long to get there.

"You coming in, or your going home?" I asked as I looked at him

"I'm coming in, I'm tired" he said as he looked at me

I nodded. "I can tell" I replied

He then got out the car and so did I. I walked to the door and opened it with my key letting us both in. I dropped my work bag and slipped off my shoes and followed Bari to my room. He stripped down to just his ball shorts and laid down. I opened my drawer looking for some shorts and a tank top to put on. Once I found it I went into my washroom and changed.

I then got in the bed and laid down. Bari then shifted his body on top of mine his head was on my chest and he wrapped his arms around my body. I tensed up as I felt the air from his breathing hit my nipple. For some reason when I laid with him it didn't remind me about what happened at rose. He just made me feel safe like nobody could harm me when I'm with him.

I played in his hair before I drifted asleep.


I looked down at the pregnancy test in my hand that read two lines. The second one read 3 weeks. I was kind of happy now it was all up to how Delay felt. I never ever really brought up the topic of us having kids. He's not really a social bug unless it comes to me so I really don't know how he'd be with a child. I hid the tests under the sink and flushed the toilet after wiping myself. I've been in this washroom since 11 a.m and it's going on 15 to 12.

I walked out the washroom and to our room where Delay was laid out sleeping.

"Baby" I mumbled as I climbed on top of him

"Hmm" he mumbled in a sleepy voice

"Wake up, I want you to come with me to run some errands. Please?" I asked as I looked at him

He nodded. He slowly got up and I smiled. He then made his way to the washroom to brush his teeth and shower. I was already ready I was just waiting on him.

About 45 minutes went by and he came out smelling good and looking good.

"Where you gotta go?" He asked as he looked at me

"Eyebrows, nails, mall, and to see Nevaeh. Then when we come home I'll reward you for coming with me" I said as I looked at him with a smirk

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