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"Once pain is engrained, we do anything we can to avoid it again. Don't get in to deep"


"How much this spot cost?" Bari asked as he stared at Paul who sat across from him

Paul was a business man. He owned over 3 strip clubs in New York and Bari was hoping to close this deal on one of his clubs that he was selling. Business was business and Bari was always down to opening up more clubs because it meant more money. Now that he was going to be having a baby it made him see everything ten times different and he wanted to make sure that if he was gone his children would be set for as long as they lived.

Pauls name held weight in the streets as well as in the strip club business. He was a old white man who did coke here and there but when it's time to get down to making money he was always ten steps ahead of everybody else. Paul was familiar with Bari because Bari's name held weight in the streets as well. When the two first met they did bump heads because of their big egos but they were sold brought together once Paul's aunt Darla which was one of Bari's suppliers informed them that they would make millions doing business together.

"250,000 when I sell it everything will be remodelled you will get the chance to decorate and design it how you want, I was hoping to close the deal today I have plenty of other things to handle and this is filling up my schedule" Paul said as he blew his cigar smoke out of his mouth well staring at Bari

"I'll have my guys bring by the cash at 4 pm today. I'll sign the paperwork now, and update me once everything is transferred into my name. Let Darla know I'll be in touch with her soon for my next drop. And Paul slow down on that beer before your suit buttons start bussing" Bari said as he stood up fixing his suit

Delay chuckled as they made they're way to VIP.

"We leaving or we gon see how this shit be?" Delay asked as he looked at Bari

"Bottles & ladies on me gentleman" Paul said as he walked pass Delay and Bari's booth

They nodded which was a form of respect. Bari pulled out a few stacks from the bag he had brought in. He could feel a whole being burned through his face causing him to look up. When he did it wasn't a familiar face it was just a dancer out of the seven that Paul had sent to their section. Music played and the girls begun doing their thing Bari and Delay begun throwing money well sipping from their cups.

Bari stared at the dancer as she made her way over to him. She begun shaking her ass in his face Bari just sat back and let her do her thing. She then sat on his lap straddling him removing her bra well she felt ok her boobs.

"Get up off me shorty" Bari said as she begun bringing her face closer to his

She smirked and stood up continuing to dance in front of him. He was feeling her smacking until she started to strip well she was on him. He through some more money before handing her a stack of five dollar bills. She smiled as she held the stack and made her way to the pole. A few of the other dancers begun to dance and Delay and Bari continued to enjoy their time. Bari didn't usually do strip clubs in the day but it was just for their business deal and why not stop and enjoy the show for a bit.

His phone begun to ring and it was Nevaeh. He declined the call and put his phone on do not disturb before tucking it back into his pocket.

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