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"Once pain is engrained, we do everything we can to avoid it again. Don't get in to deep"


Today was Sarah's baby shower. Bari was getting ready he was late the party started already but he was just finishing up. He made my way down stairs and to his car getting in. He pushed start and pulled off making his way to the direction of the baby shower.

He soon pulled up and parked out front there was so many cars but he managed to find a spot to park. He got out my car and made my way to the hall venue when he walked in it was filled with people. Of course it was filled with Sarah's and Delays family's which Bari was familiar with both so he made his way around nodding at everybody saying his hellos and hugging those older ladies who he had respect for.

"Sup" Bari said sternly as he approached his group of male friends

He then turned around and observed the patty. He wasn't the baby shower type but he figured hey he was about to be throwing one in the next couple of months so why not check it out. He placed his gift bag on the table along with his thick card that read Sarah & Milan on it. Milan was his first god daughter and he was excited to experience a baby before he slipped up and created his own.

He kept staring around and his eyes soon landed on Nevaeh who had a mad look on her face. He tilted his head to the side curiously before making his way over to her.


Nevaeh sighed as she watched Bari say hi to everyone. She hated that she was with him sometimes just because of how the females would act towards him. She wasn't jealous nor was she insecure she just simply wanted her man to herself and she wasn't sure if it was her hormones kicking In but she was indeed frustrated. She mugged Bari and she assumed he felt her stare because he soon looked at her sternly well tilting his head.

She mugged him and turned to the side facing the girls.

"Girl here come Bari looking like he bout to ring your neck off" Sarah said as she looked at Nevaeh

Nevaeh looked up and there was Bari walking towards her.

"Sup you good?" He asked as he hugged Sarah

"Yeah, thank you" Sarah said as she took the thick envelope he had for her that read Sarah & Milan

"Yo, come here" Bari said as he leaned down and whispered in Nevaeh's ear after kissing her cheek

Nevaeh was 3 months she had a small pudge that was unrecognizable. Nobody knew about her pregnancy except for Bari and Sarah. She had told Sarah well she was setting up the baby shower because she couldn't stop throwing up. Sarah had already had the feeling that Nevaeh was pregnant once she seen the amount of times she went to the bathroom she was excited that Nevaeh was pregnant and she couldn't wait.

Nevaeh just sat there ignoring Bari.

"What's wrong with y'all friend?" Bari asked as he looked at the group girls

Nevaeh was annoyed. He had walked in and walked past her and she just wanted to sit down. She was drained from all the decorating and things she had done. She was annoyed because the girls sitting with his friends were all up in his face and of course he was communicating with them. She felt like she wasn't important to him so she decided to just stay to herself for the the rest of the day.

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