30-the ghost of you

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With Jayden's foot crushing her windpipe, Brooke realized she was absolutely defenseless in this situation. The fact that it was Jayden made it worse for her, as she had comforted him when he cried just hours ago. She couldn't think of a reason as to why he wanted to kill her- because that was no doubtedly his goal. The black spots decorating her vision and lack of ability to breathe made that abundantly clear. Her face was starting to turn purple due to a lack of oxygen, tears rolling down Brooke's cheeks as she let out a pained noise, hoping that it would snap Jayden out of whatever trance he was in. Her claws scratched at the leather of his shoe as she tried to push his foot off of her neck. It did little to help, as he just put more pressure on her neck, restricting her airway further.

"Come on, I thought you could do better. You are my lapdog, after all." Jayden scoffed, blue eyes glittering with slight malice. The smile on his face, as if he was enjoying slowly killing her, struck fear into Brooke's heart. She didn't know how it ended up like this. She didn't want it to end up like this, with the boy she had fallen in love with killing her.

"He is not real. This is a product of the hallucinations, my dear. Fight back." Amaris urged, Brooke making a choked noise at that turn of events. That made sense to a degree, as Jayden didn't smell like anything. It was like he wasn't real, that being all the confirmation Brooke needed to fight back.

Steeling her nerves, Brooke summoned her Wolf Kunai, the silver weapon appearing in her hand. Silently apologizing to Jayden, she squeezed her eyes shut and tightened her grip on her kunai, skewering his, well, hallucination-Jayden's leg. Her kunai had easily pierced through his jeans and most of the muscle in his leg, Brooke pushing the weapon in further with what strength she had. He let out a sharp noise of pain, and it caused him to lessen the pressure he had on her neck. Which was what she was hoping it would do, Brooke pulling her kunai out of hallucination-Jayden's leg and pushing his foot off of her neck.

Running off of pure fear and adrenaline, Brooke scrambled to her feet, her chest heaving as she sucked air into her lungs. With spots decorating her vision, she acted on autopilot, curling a clawed hand into a fist and punching hallucination-Jayden square in the face. While he staggered back, she spotted her phone laying on one of the concrete benches. Nate. Nate could help, and Brooke ran over to her phone, picking it up with shaky hands.

"Siri, call Nate Wolfe." Brooke choked out, her voice hoarse as she tried to slow down and control her breathing. As her phone automatically dialed Nate, she kept a gold eye trained on hallucination-Jayden. He was still seemingly recovering from the fact that he had gotten stabbed in the leg and punched in the face, the hallucination of the red ranger having an expression of annoyance on his face.

Nate, much to Brooke's relief, picked up on the first ring. "Hey kiddo, is something going on?" He greeted, his voice slightly groggy.

"Yeah. I have a hallucination of Jayden Shiba trying to kill me," Brooke answered, her throat raw. She was forcing out the words at this point, and it was painful to do so. Her eyes were still locked on hallucination-Jayden, who had turned his attention to the blood slowly staining the leg of his jeans. However, his eyes soon met Brooke's, who felt her face pale as a sinister grin grew on his lips. "I'm sorry to call you so late, but I need you to be here. I can't handle this by myself." She begged, and she heard the sounds of keys jingling.

"Don't apologize, I'll be right there. Hold out for as long as you can. I love you." Nate stated, the line going dead after that.

Brooke set her phone back on the bench, surprised that hallucination-Jayden hadn't lunged at her yet. He was just staring at her, which was almost worse. She readied her Wolf Kunai, slowly walking over to him and steeling her nerves. "What's your story? Aren't you trying to kill me?" She questioned, hallucination-Jayden letting out a bark of laughter.

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