11-talks and peppermint coffee

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It was early morning when Brooke woke up with a start, panting. It was another nightmare- but a normal one, not the pain-filled ones. Frankly, the silver ranger had to backtrack on how she even ended up in bed. All she remembered was fighting Deker and then Jayden holding her with an expression of worry and guilt on his face. That was concerning, but it's not like she could do anything now. The battle was long over, and since she felt like shit, Brooke concluded that it didn't end well.

Letting out a heavy sigh, Brooke ran a clawed hand over her face. The aching in her body meant that she was bruised, but nothing seemed broken. Her ankle was set back in place, and while it hurt, it felt better than it did. Grabbing her phone, she turned on the device, nearly screaming in frustration at the time. It was nearly 5:30, and far too early to do much of anything. Instead of screaming, Brooke just flung her pillow across the room, hearing it hit her door with a thump. She just wanted a normal sleep, for once in her life, and while the sleep meds made her groggy, they didn't do much of anything else.

Coming up with a game plan, Brooke kicked off her white comforter and swung her legs over the side of the bed. Gingerly standing on her weak ankle, she limped over to her bathroom and flicked on the light. Squinting at the sudden brightness, she cursed under her breath when she noticed the collection of blue and dark purple bruises that were scattered across her legs. Pulling off Jayden's hoodie, she saw similar bruises on her arms, and it caused her to run a clawed hand over her face, letting out a quiet groan of frustration. That meant the battle definitely didn't go well. Brooke knew that Kevin and Emily were probably in the med bay, but she didn't know about Mike, Mia, or Jayden. From what she remembered, they seemed fine, so half of the rangers were doing alright.

Brooke unsteadily made her way to her dresser, getting dressed for the day. Pulling on a dark grey sweater, jeans, and her leather jacket, the silver ranger laced up her doc martens, brushing the knots out of her hair. After brushing her teeth, she grabbed her samuraizer, zord, and phone, shoving the objects into her pocket. Leaving a note for Ji that told the older man that she was going to Mary's, Brooke left her room.

Peering down the hall, Brooke noticed that Jayden's door was ajar, but didn't really question it. Her usual method of walking silently didn't really work, as her ankle throbbed, but the silver ranger reached the main doors quickly. Pushing open the heavy wooden doors, she started her walk to Little Cloaks.

It was quite chilly, and the sun was just rising as Brooke walked through the wooden gates, gravel crunching underfoot. As she truly woke up, the pain in her ankle subsided somewhat, it turning into a dull throb rather than feeling like it was being stabbed repeatedly. The streets of Panorama were coming alive as well, business workers and other workers making their commutes to their jobs. It was a sense of normalcy Brooke was envious of- the people didn't know the war the rangers were fighting. They just went about their daily lives, not having to worry about nighlok attacking or Xandred flooding the Earth, and Brooke wished she could do that.

Well, it was a give and take. While she craved normalcy, Brooke knew that without her being a ranger, she probably would've never met Jayden or the others. Plus, she actually enjoyed being a ranger, it was just incredibly stressful most of the time. At least she wasn't alone.

A gust of wind caused Brooke to pull her leather jacket closer to her body, and the silver ranger scanned the streets in front of her. Grey eyes flashed gold when she saw a familiar face- it was Jayden, sitting on one of the benches near the plaza. He looked like he hadn't slept much, and Brooke frowned. Was he out here all night? That was worrying, but Brooke knew from experience that he probably wanted to be left alone. So, she took extra time to stay out of his range of sight, eyeing his satchel out of the corner of her eye. So, he did stay out all night. Which wasn't the smartest move, but Brooke understood why. Well- she pieced it together.

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