23-fish and gnomes

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The next day, Brooke found herself at the city swap meet with Antonio. It was a little crowded and somewhat overwhelming, but she ignored it, for the most part, trying to block out the slight headache she had. Other than that, it was enjoyable, and it was a nice change of pace from hitting the floor. Or the wall. But, that also meant she had to work on the despair symbol tonight- and that would be less than ideal. But still, it needed to get done, and Brooke knew she was the only person who could do it. It was what she was made for, after all.

Shaking those thoughts out of her head, Brooke focused on just having a good time with Antonio. "Thanks for inviting me, Goldie." She thanked, sitting at the small wooden table next to Antonio's booth, where, to nobody's surprise, he was making fish and burgers. The normalcy of it was relaxing.

"It's my pleasure, I figured you could use the break," Antonio replied, and Brooke nodded, a small smile on her face.

The bruises on her arms still weren't gone, but they were hidden by a thin grey hoodie. Which wasn't unbearable, but it wasn't the most comfortable thing. Still, the bruises also reminded Brooke of living with James, as they were similar to the ones she used to get because of him. She would rather deal with being somewhat hot than going on a trip to trauma-land. Anything was easier than that.

"I dunno how you got the black box programmed so fast. I'm kinda struggling with the cage symbol, not gonna lie." Brooke confessed, tracing a grain in the wooden table with a claw.

"Hey, don't be like that," Antonio chided, looking up from the small grill. Brooke quirked a brow in response, her eyes flashing. "I mean, you're doing something that usually takes years to complete, and you're not slacking off about it, Brooke. You're overthinking things." He reassured Brooke, who nodded faintly.

"Anyways, what is Master Chef Goldie making today?" Brooke teased, grinning when Antonio rolled his eyes at the nickname.

"You're horrible with the nicknames," Antonio stated, pointing a bottle of sauce at Brooke, who snickered and stuck out her tongue playfully in response. "To answer your question, it's my habanero hollandaise herring burger." He answered, and Brooke's eyes flashed.

She leaned back in her seat some, letting out a low whistle. "I mean, it already smells better than Mia's cooking, so you're doing fantastic in that regard," Brooke stated matter-of-factly, and Antonio laughed, shaking his head.

"Mia sets the bar pretty low." Antonio retorted, and Brooke laughed, nodding with a grin.

Being out with Antonio and bit having to worry about being a ranger was nice. Of course, Brooke still had her samuraizer and zord on her- they were the essentials, after all. But, other than that, she almost forgot about her samurai duties, just talking with Antonio about nothing in particular. The silver and gold rangers just enjoyed each other's company, Brooke people watching as Antonio made food. She had somewhat gotten over her jealousy of wanting to be fully human, it was still there, just easier to shove down now. She watched civilians go about their normal lives- and it made her wonder what life would be like if they didn't have to fight the war. Regardless, Brooke was happy with how things were playing out now, even with the looming threat of Xandred's return. She tapped her fingers on the table, her happy mood falling somewhat as she sniffed the air.

Nighlok. It was extremely faint, almost getting blocked out by the other smells, but still present. Brooke's eyes flashed as she scanned the area, her claws growing in subconsciously. Still, everything seemed relatively fine, so she convinced herself that it was just her mind playing tricks on her. Brooke forced herself to relax, turning her attention back to Antonio.

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