35-what you have and what you hate

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a/n: I meant to get this chapter out sooner, but finals week kicked my ass. So, happy belated second birthday to Weight of the World!! It's now been over two years since I first started this fic, and it's come a long way. Thank y'all for your support over these two years!! <3

Trigger warning: this chapter will mention and deal with different symptoms and types of mental health issues, read at your own risk


Nobody really knew what happened after Brooke activated the cage symbol. There was a blinding flash of silver as Master Xandred supposedly dried out and returned to the Netherworld, but none of the rangers focused on the nighlok for very long. Instead, a piercing howl filled the five of the seven rangers' heads as Amaris stood next to Brooke's unconscious body, which lay in the dirt.

The white wolf was blinking in and out of being visible, sometimes only appearing as a wisp of silver and violet that could only be seen if the rangers squinted, but she could be heard. The panic that filled her normally calm voice was jarring, her voice wavering as she nudged Brooke's dirt-covered cheek with her snout. Every strand of her fur was on edge as her motions were quick, rapid, and full of panic, the white wolf clawing at the dirt.

"My dear," Amaris's voice was barely audible as she nudged the unconscious silver ranger, but it soon turned into a yell. "Brooke! Please!" She pleaded, and it was obvious that she was reliving some sort of memory, a memory that was a nightmare. "I promised- I promised myself! Please!" She begged, her voice turning into one of desperation.

She had failed again. Amaris had failed as her one role of protector, merely hours after she promised herself that she'd keep Brooke safe. She had seen others die in the same way, trying to save the world and sacrificing themselves in the process. She wasn't able to do the one job she was assigned to do, it was a vicious cycle that repeated itself for generations. Every time a silver ranger bound themselves to the moon disk, thus Amaris being assigned as a protector, they met a gruesome fate that they didn't deserve. She watched so many silver rangers, rangers she grew to care about deeply, die, their weak and unmoving bodies lying on the ground as the battle raged on around them. In battle, nobody had the time to mourn the dead, she knew that. She had always helped the other rangers to the best of her abilities as the one person she was assigned to protect lay dead at her paws. She shouldn't be affected at this point; death was a factor of life, it followed the white wolf like a plague. Yet, Amaris still found herself frustrated and scared as she nudged Brooke's cheek with her snout once again.

"Amaris-" A voice started, and the white wolf whipped around, letting out a primal growl. Her fur stood on edge as she struck a defensive stance in front of Brooke. She said nothing, her snout curling back into a snarl, which revealed her dull canines.

Amaris wasn't losing her again. Even as her body flickered in and out of visibility, Amaris made it abundantly clear that she wouldn't let anyone touch Brooke. Her tail flicked as she surveyed the remaining rangers, who all were in similar states. Jayden was also unconscious, Antonio struggling to shoulder his childhood friend's limp body. Still, the five other rangers weren't as panicked as she was, and why? She failed again, shouldn't they be angry at her? Yet, they just looked at her with sympathy, masking their fear and panic.

"Amaris, she isn't dead, you don't need to worry," Mia's calm voice interjected Amaris's rapid thoughts, who perked up and nudged Brooke's cheek again. "It's okay, you're obviously remembering some bad memories. We're going to get her fixed up, okay?" She explained as she took a small step forward, raising her hands to show that she wasn't a threat.

Violet eyes flickered between the pink and silver rangers, but her attention fully snapped to Brooke when she let out a groan. "...'Maris, 's okay. Ya panicking," She forced out, raising a weak hand to the best of her abilities. Amaris instantly nuzzled the hand, some of her bristled fur flattening. "Love ya." She mumbled, her hand landing on the dirt once again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2022 ⏰

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