01-brooke wolfe

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The silver and red samurai rangers stood back to back, weapons raised. The red ranger held a mostly red Zanbatō, which consisted of a large, wide blade attached to an extended, pole-like hilt, his Fire Smasher. The silver ranger held a silver Kunai, but much larger than the traditional ones. It had a silver leaf-shaped blade and a handle with a ring on the pommel, her Wolf Kunai.

"You ready to do this, Red?" Brooke Wolfe, the eighteenth generation's silver ranger asked, her voice holding an almost teasing tone. The seventeen-year-old had wavy, shoulder-length black hair, and grey eyes. Her eyes were narrowed, flashing gold for a moment as the moogers that surrounded the two rangers inched closer. "It's technically endgame now. But don't go dying on me, you hear?" Brooke advised, the toes of her grey boots digging into the soil underneath the pair's feet as she tensed, getting ready to lunge.

The boy deemed "Red," Jayden Shiba, the eighteenth generation's red ranger, rolled his eyes, but still smiled faintly. "It's what we've been training for. Stay alive, Brooke," Jayden urged, the seventeen-year-old having brown hair and blue eyes, those blue eyes darting around the battlefield. "I love you." It was barely audible, but Brooke still picked up on it. While the two were never usually sappy on the battlefield, Jayden figured he could make an exception. Since it was endgame, as Brooke liked to call it.

Brooke grinned, revealing canines that were longer than normal humans'. "You're acting like this is the last we'll see each other," Brooke joked, but her teasing tone turned into a much more caring one. "I love you too, with all the stars and the moon. We'll make it out of this like we always do." She vowed, the moogers growing even closer.

Jayden laughed faintly. "Like we always do," He echoed in confirmation, and he got ready to lunge. "Go." He commanded, and Brooke and Jayden both took off in different direct


Centuries ago in Japan, nighlok monsters invaded, with the intent to overtake the world. Five samurai warriors, and one that wasn't truly human, rose to the challenge to take on the nighlok, using power symbols passed from parent to child. These six warriors called themselves the Samurai Power Rangers.

For the most part of the ten-year-old girl's life, it had been white, and pain. A terrible pain that spread throughout her body and settled into her bones. The girl had also heard the whispers and faint murmurs from voices she didn't know. She had always not known much about her life, or what her fate was. Not knowing something frustrated and scared her, such as now.

Ten-year-old Brooke Wolfe clutched her father's black blazer in a tight grip, grey eyes eying the older man warily. Brooke had long black hair that was usually styled in pigtails, and she seemed to have a sharper face than most children her age. She had strong cheekbones and grey eyes that portrayed the notion that she was older than her age let on. Her canines were sharper as well, longer than a normal human's. Most adults joked that she was "a ten year old with a woman's face".

Her father, Nate Wolfe, who was a man in his thirties and had the same hair and eye color as his daughter, looked down at the girl with a frown. "Sweetheart, Mentor Ji's a nice man, I promise," Nate vowed. He was dressed casually, with dark blue jeans, a dark grey shirt, and a black blazer and loafers, but dark circles and heavy bags framed his eyes, giving him the notion that he was far older than he was. "I'm sorry Ji, she's been like this since Jane died," Nate explained, running a hand over his face.

Ji, an older man in robes, smiled slightly at the scene. "It's quite alright, her caution is only natural, after all," Ji mused, taking notice of the way Brooke's eyes flashed gold for a moment, and then returned to their original grey. "She has Jane's gift as well, it seems?" He questioned, feigning shock. Of course, Ji had known that fact from the beginning- but he didn't tell Nate that.

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