10-runaway red

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After she had started reading her mother's journal, Brooke found herself having strange dreams. The dreams were the ones that left you more exhausted than before you went to bed- and Brooke couldn't decide whether they were better than her nightmares or not. At least with her nightmares, the silver ranger knew what caused them, and somewhat understood them. These dreams were vastly different, it was white lights, people yelling, and pain. It was an intense pain that seemed to be in Brooke's bloodstream, and she felt it when she woke up with a start.

It was the same now, Brooke nearly yelling out as the pain flared, gritting her teeth and death-gripping her comforter in clawed hands. It caused spots to decorate her vision, and she squeezed her eyes shut- willing the pain to subside. It did, somewhat, and she let out a quiet sigh of relief, ignoring the aching of her body as she swung her feet over the side of her bed. Pulling on Jayden's hoodie, Brooke grabbed her phone off of her bedside table and turned the device on, squinting as her eyes adjusted to the bright light. It was around 11:30, and Brooke wondered if Jayden was awake. She realized she wanted some sort of comfort, and she hoped that he could provide it.

Letting out a sigh, Brooke ran a clawed hand over her face. There was no harm in seeing if the red ranger was awake, so she did just that. Tucking her phone into her hoodie pocket, she stood, wincing when pain flared again, the silver ranger gritting her teeth as she somewhat stumbled to her door. Opening the door, her eyes flashed gold when she stepped into the hallway, and then breathed a sigh of relief. Jayden was still awake, as told by the faint light coming from his room at the end of the hall.

The pain had disappeared as Brooke padded down the hall, making sure to stay quiet. She had quickly learned how to walk silently when living with James- walking toe to heel, and it became a habit at this point. She reached Jayden's door silently, knocking quietly.

Jayden opened the door, his hair slightly damp and his brows furrowed, but soon relaxed when he realized it was just Brooke, who wore a weary smile. "Everything alright?" He asked quietly, and Brooke's smile fell.

"Yeah, for the most part," Brooke replied, her eyes flashing. "This is going to be a selfish request, but can I, uh, talk to you for a little bit? I understand-" She started, but Jayden cut off her nervous rambling by lightly grabbing her wrist and pulling her into his room, him shutting the door behind them.

"You don't have to ask-" Jayden made a noise of surprise when Brooke instantly wrapped him into a tight hug, burying her face into the crook of his neck. He frowned when he felt her shaking, him returning the hug. "You're shaking, what's wrong?" He asked when they pulled away, blue eyes meeting grey-gold.

Brooke's eyes flashed as she wet her dry lips. "Just a rough night," She confessed, letting out a shaky laugh. "Hellbrain won't shut off, y'know, the usual at this point." She didn't feel like explaining everything to Jayden, so she just… summarized. While she knew he would listen- she didn't want to take more of his time. Brooke considered herself lucky to get this far.

Jayden wore a small, comforting smile. "I understand all too well," He murmured, and Brooke watched as pink dusted his cheeks, the red ranger suddenly looking embarrassed. "You can stay if you want." He mumbled, and Jayden felt his heart pound in his chest. He didn't even know why he was embarrassed- he and Brooke used to share a bed whenever he had nightmares when the two were little, but this seemed different, in a way. Maybe it was because they were older? Jayden didn't really know, but he pushed those thoughts aside.

Brooke blinked in surprise and then nodded faintly. "Yeah, I would like that." She murmured in agreement, her voice barely audible as heat rose to her cheeks.

The two rangers were equally embarrassed, just staring at each other for a moment, but a loud ping! coming from Brooke's phone snapped them out of it. Pulling her phone out of the pocket of her- well, Jayden's hoodie, Brooke read the notification. It was Casper telling her goodnight, and she texted him a quick response, then turning her phone on silent, turning to face Jayden. She opened her mouth to speak, only ducking before a pillow could hit her, leveling a glare at the red ranger, the pillow hitting the floor with a thump.

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