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Brooke found herself flipping through dusty archives- but not the regular archives this time. It was her family's, the Wolfe family's archives. They were included in the box that held the Wolf Kunai, and Brooke had instantly started to scour them for information. The archives were relatively simple, just leather-bound journals that smelt of dust and mildew, but that wasn't the bad part. Four out of the six archives were written in Latin, and while Brooke had a somewhat decent grasp on the language, it was frustrating.

So, the silver ranger used most of her free time to translate- scribbling down notes and various symbols in a spiral notebook. Brooke had first summarized the archives- archives one and two were about the origin of the silver rangers, archives three and four were about symbol power- which Brooke found herself the most interested in, and five and six were about nighlok and zords. Brooke had started with the fourth archive, and while the process was slow and made her want to slam her head against a wall- she had learned some new symbols.

It was all coming together, in its own way. Included with the archives was Jane Wolfe's journal, and Brooke was hoping that would have some answers about her missing memories. As to why they were wiped, and so on. Funnily enough, Maxx had gotten his memories wiped as well, the two Wolfe siblings not remembering anything before the ages of ten and twelve. It was somewhat confusing, but that narrowed down Brooke's suspicions that it wasn't just due to her being the silver samurai ranger. If Maxx had been affected as well- then that meant it had to be due to the Wolfe family in its entirety. Still, it didn't make it any less confusing, and deciphering her mother's journal was tricky for Brooke, and usually caused more questions to arise- with little answers. But she had the answers now, Brooke just had to look for them. Which was something she could do.


After breakfast, the team gathered into the meeting room, Brooke sitting next to Emily as Jayden was standing next to Ji, the red ranger wearing his normal unreadable expression. And with that, the meeting began.

"Now that we have recovered three of the lost disks, we have a new power." Ji started, and Jayden nodded curtly.

"Beetle, swordfish, and tiger," Jayden stated, setting the respective disks gently on the table. "Together these three disks allow us to form the samurai battlewing." He explained, Ji opening the archive that he held, holding it up so the team could see.

Drawn in the archive was a bird- but it held characteristics of the three zords that combined to make it. "That looks like one powerful bird." Mike blurted, the green ranger looking at the drawing of the battlewing and then down at the three disks, Brooke noticing the excitement radiating from the green ranger. Which was somewhat confusing, but Brooke pushed it aside.

Ji nodded at Mike. "Yes, thanks to these disks," The older man agreed, lowering the archive and scanning the team. "So each one has to go to the one we think is truly ready to help pilot the battlewing." So that explained Mike's excitement- Brooke guessed that he wanted one of the disks.

"First, the tiger zord goes to Brooke," Jayden announced, and Brooke shot him a quizzical look as she took the white disk out of his hands. "The original silver ranger was the first one to use the tiger zord, and it's bound to her now, it makes Brooke our best option," Jayden explained, Brooke's eyes flashing gold for a second.

Still, Brooke broke into her signature grin, nodding confidently. "Won't let you down." She vowed, looking down at the tiger disk in her hands. A lot was happening in the past week- not that Brooke was truly complaining. She liked the new sense of power that came with each disk, having the raw strength underneath her fingertips was a nice feeling.

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