15-family matters (part two of two)

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trigger warning: this chapter deals with darker topics and themes including: anxiety/panic attacks, and slight mentions of self-harm.


Gold eyes met green, and Jane Wolfe's daughter and sister stared at each other, the tension between the two so thick it could be cut with a spin-sword. Panic was present in Brooke's expression, her body tense and face pale. Still, she tried to push it aside, because this is what she wanted. Laying her clawed hands on the table next to the binder and her mother's journal, Brooke wet her dry lips, struggling to find the right words. She wanted to just lose it and yell at Mary, but Brooke knew that wouldn't get her anywhere. So, she just ignored the feeling of her airway being restricted and started to speak.

"Please tell me, Mary. I need to know now, I- I feel like I deserve to know." Brooke urged, her voice cracking somewhat as she tried to fight back the oncoming anxiety attack.

It had started when she left the Shiba House, and Brooke found herself struggling to breathe more and more as time went on. Her racing heart pounded in her ears, and she didn't feel like Brooke. Her own voice sounded foreign to her, and it felt like everything had been shifted somewhat- out of place. She felt out of place, and Brooke bitterly reminded herself that she was. Being a shifter, no, being made a shifter didn't exactly let her fit in with ease. Still, it was like the feeling had increased itself tenfold, especially the fact that she was human, for a short period of her life, swirled in Brooke's brain. She couldn't even figure out what to be mad or upset about, as there was a list, but none of it seemed justifiable. She wouldn't lash out at Jayden or the team- the had done nothing, and Ji, he was just doing as he was told. Brooke understood it, to a degree.

"Mary, please tell me," Brooke repeated herself, voice firmer now as her lips curled around her canines.

Mary let out a heavy sigh, green eyes full of remorse and guilt. "Brooke, your memories were erased for a reason. What you went through was incredibly traumatic, and I didn't want you to spiral again. I know you don't want to spiral again." She argued, sounding tired more than anything, and Brooke struggled to keep her temper in check as she struggled to breathe.

"I've found out most of it, Mary. There's no use on hiding it anymore," Don't guilt-trip me. Brooke defended, trying to keep her voice neutral, but there was a quiet growl accompanied by the words. "Tell me about Mom. Tell me what happened. Please." She begged, and Mary nodded, letting out another sigh.

"Jane, your mother, had always craved normalcy, ever since we were kids, she wanted to be human. I could never really understand, but I tried to sympathize with her, to the best of my abilities. However, she had the same feelings you feel, not being able to fit in, no matter how much she had tried," Mary started, her voice quiet as Brooke's shoulders shook. Still, the silver ranger took the defensive as she did in battle. There was no retreating now. "When she became the silver ranger, the craving for normalcy increased. Jane had always hated being a ranger, and when she had you, she thought she had an escape. And she did, for a while. But, with that escape came jealousy. Jane was always jealous of the humanity you held, a gift she could never have."

"She's human, Mary. Brooke's everything I wanted to be. She has everything I wanted. I'm jealous of my three-year-old daughter, and it's terrifying. When I see her- I get angry, and Nate's noticed. He's keeping Brooke away from me, and I don't blame him, but, fuck, it's heartbreaking."

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