05-secrets i'd never tell

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Brooke sat next to Jayden, well, wolf-Brooke sat next to Jayden as the red ranger stood next to his mentor. The silver and red rangers had finished their training earlier, and now the pair, plus Ji, were watching the other rangers go about their training.

Jayden had his usual emotionless expression, and wolf-Brooke's brown and white tail wagged slowly as they watched Emily. The yellow ranger was sparring with Mike and seemed to be holding her own rather well, the younger girl landing powerful strikes. Soon, Emily had knocked the green ranger down, Mike hitting the ground on his back with a grunt.

"Emily's usually the one falling over," Ji mused, as Emily walked up to Mike hesitantly, rambling out apologies. "She's different with a sword in her hand." The older man commented, and Jayden laughed faintly.

"Maybe she can teach Mike a few things." Jayden wondered with a grin, and Brooke stood, shifting back into a human.

Grey eyes flashed when she watched Emily shoot more apologies at Mike. "The only thing is- I can read the guilt in her eyes from here. Which is a good and a bad thing." The silver ranger added, tapping her foot subconsciously.

Jayden glanced at his friend, it was the first time he's heard her speak since training began. She had shifted and stayed in her wolf form for a couple of hours, being mostly quiet. "How so?" He asked, and Brooke smiled slightly.

"Well, it's good that we all have some form of empathy, so we aren't heartless killing machines," She joked, as Emily was helping Mike to his feet and asking if he was alright in a worried tone. "Just, with holding people in high regard- and fighting alongside them, it can mess with the rational part of your brain. At least, it does for me sometimes." Brooke remarked, her eyes flashing again. She didn't know how many times she fumbled with a swing because she was preoccupied with making sure the others weren't getting killed. Which was something she was working on, especially after their run-in with the dreadlock nighlok, but she was progressing slowly.

Both Mary and Casper had told her, on numerous occasions, that she worried too much. And not about herself, either. It was always someone else, and Brooke chalked it up to trauma, but shook that thought aside, as Emily chased Mike into the Shiba House, raising her eyebrows. Sharing a look with Jayden, she broke into a grin and quietly followed the two rangers.

Ji let out a mix between a sigh and a chuckle, Jayden looking at him with a quizzical expression. "She's grown up, but her attitude hasn't changed much." The older man observed as the silver ranger seemed to hold her normal nonchalant attitude, and Jayden let out a small laugh, watching as the door to the Shiba House shut behind her.

"I suppose so."


Brooke watched as Emily held a bag of frozen peas, smiling at Mike, who was rubbing his sore back. "Here you go!" The blonde stated cheerfully, thrusting the frozen peas towards Mike with a cheerful expression.

Mike glanced down at the bag, reading the label, and looked at Emily with an expression of confusion mixed with worry. "Frozen peas?" He questioned, and Emily nodded, her usual warm smile on her face.

"It's like an ice pack! I was accident-prone as a kid, and they always healed me right up. Let me help!" The yellow ranger explained, moving to press the bag of frozen peas to his back, and Brooke snorted as Mike stood quickly, shaking his head.

"No thanks." Mike fired back, warily eyeing the bag of peas.

"You really should," Emily urged, and soon the yellow and green rangers started their game of chase. "Mike! They'll make you feel better!" She chided, and Brooke saw the plate she was just about to step on.

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