29-familiar faces

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Brooke stood on a battlefield, surveying the area. The others were nowhere to be found, and it didn't smell like nighlok. But she was here, of all places. She didn't know why, or why her heart was pounding in her chest with a mix of adrenaline and anxiety. Her katanas were on her back and her kunai at her hip, so it wasn't like she was defenseless. Still, she felt scared- her not feeling Amaris' presence in her mind made it worse. Brooke realized she needed the white wolf now more than ever, as who was presumably her opponent strolled up. She, her opponent, was nonchalant, if not somewhat smug, a ghost of a smirk on her lips. 

She had wavy black hair that stopped at the middle of her neck, strong cheekbones, and somewhat slanted eyes. Grey-gold eyes met grey, her traditional grey, and Brooke realized she was looking at herself. And she concluded that Cognitive-Brooke was looking for a fight, as her katanas were on her back and her kunai resting on her hip. It was almost like a mirror image, Brooke struggling to find the words to say as she just stared at her cognition. Everything was the same, and she realized she was looking at a person she loathed. 

"No need in hiding it, y'know," Cognitive-Brooke stated, inspecting her nails, seemingly bored. Upon not getting a response, she raised her head, peering at Brooke skeptically. "Christ, Brooke. Thought you would be quicker than this." She chided, snapping her fingers for emphasis. 

"Hiding it?" Brooke echoed, finally regaining her composure. Hearing her own voice coming from another person was unnerving. Even if the person was a cognition. Or that's what Brooke assumed, for all she knew this could be fucked up hallucination. But, by the way Cognitive-Brooke was walking around and talking, she wasn't a hallucination. 

"C'mon now, do I need to spell it out for you?" Cognitive-Brooke mocked, quirking a brow as her eyes flashed. However, Brooke didn't respond, only inspecting her cognition quizzically, who let out a sigh. "Fuck, guess I do," She muttered, annoyance crossing her features. "I hate you." She declared, drawing her Wolf Kunai and pointing it at Brooke. 

Who wasn't really surprised about that statement, self-hatred was a thing Brooke hid behind false confidence for years. "Glad to see the feeling's mutual." She retorted, hooking her thumbs on the belt loops of her black jeans. 

"No, you don't get it," Cognitive-Brooke snickered, breaking into a sinister grin. Her eyes were blazing gold, and she had a slight lisp when she spoke. "I'm everything you hate about yourself! I'm every regret, every bullshit action, you've done over the five fucking years you've had your memories. Which was a lot, by the way," She stated, drawing her Wolf Kunai and throwing it up in the air, catching it with ease and pointing it at Brooke. "I'm every insecurity you've had, the ones you stuff down with a shitty excuse of a poker face. Every fear. Everything in your life that you loathe. It's fitting that I'm you, isn't it? I'm the person you hate the most." Cognitive-Brooke's grin grew wider as Brooke's eyes narrowed, landing on a color that was identical to her cognitions. Blazing gold, sparkling with hatred and slight fear. 

"If you want to start a fight- make the first move. You should know that if you're me." Brooke spat, digging her booted foot into the dirt. She wasn't morphed, and she had a feeling she couldn't. At least her military boots had good ankle support. 

"I won't hold back." Cognitive-Brooke threatened, and when Brooke let out a growl in response, the battle began. 

When her cognition ran into battle with a yell- jumping up and performing a downwards strike that was identical to Jayden's, Brooke simply rolled out of the way. Before her cognition could react, she slammed the bottom of her foot into Cognitive-Brooke's side, sending her tumbling sideways. "Using Red's move? Really? Thought you would be quicker than this," Brooke mocked with a bark of laughter, drawing her own Wolf Kunai. "You can do better." She added, Cognitive-Brooke regaining her composure. 

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