18-to protect

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The sound of someone walking through water woke Brooke up. It wasn't Jayden- the pattern of footsteps was far too different. She was also being carried, and not by Jayden. He was nearby, as the smell of smoke and his cologne was present, but also was the smell of nighlok. That caused panic to settle in, but Brooke couldn't find the strength to open her eyes, let alone fight. She could just pick a god and pray that this wasn't how she was going to die. Poisoned and afraid, and Brooke just let her body go limp, using all her energy to keep somewhat of a thought process going. She could always summon Amaris if need be, but since the white wolf was connected to the silver ranger's symbol power, she wouldn't be able to stay long. Brooke knew that she was far too weak to do much, so she just let fate throw whatever the fuck this was at her. Frankly, she just wanted a nap- a normal one, without the poison.

Her entire body throbbed, and Brooke remembered her failed fight with Octoroo. She remembered Jayden yelling- but he did that in almost every battle, so Brooke didn't know what to think of it. She just hoped that they were going to be alright, for the most part. Was that a dream that could easily be crushed? Of course. The two rangers with the most bounty on their heads were poisoned and too weak to fight. Brooke knew multiple nighlok would be drooling at the chance to have her head on a stake- and this made it extremely easy to do so. However, she knew she couldn't do anything about it, so she just forced the fear down.

"Heh, rescuing you two has become a bit of a bad habit," It was fuzzy, but Brooke recognized the voice. Deker. That wasn't good in the slightest, but maybe the half-human wouldn't just stab the silver and red rangers and call it a day. "But the one I intend to soon break. Permanently." Deker finished, and Brooke braced herself for whatever pain was about to come.

There wasn't pain, instead, there was a splash, and the water caused Brooke to gather enough energy to force her eyes open. Her and Jayden both resurfaced, coughing, and Brooke felt his hand cover hers under the water as he glared at Deker. Brooke didn't have the strength for that, so she just stared at her reflection in the murky water. She was even too weak to shift properly, and she looked almost human, as her features didn't change despite the stress she felt. Her canines were normal- well, normal for her, sized, and her eyes were their usual grey. But, they were glazed over, and Brooke found her strength leaving her body by the second.

"Stay under," Deker advised, and Brooke wondered if she passed out right now, would she drown. Well- no, because Jayden was here, and the silver ranger could hear the red coughing up a lung. Not good, but he was alive. "The water will purge the poison from both of your systems." The half-human stated, and while Brooke just zoned out, Jayden leveled a glare at Deker.

Oh, he was terrified, but Jayden tried not to show it. The poison was making his head spin, and he was in too much pain and too exhausted to turn his thoughts off. That was aggravating, as Jayden wouldn't let his emotions dictate his actions in times like these. Well, it was his first time getting poisoned, but the red ranger has dealt with enough threats to his life to know what and what not to do. Still, blue eyes fell on the silver ranger, and they sparkled with worry as Jayden took in the way Brooke didn't react to anything around her. She was just staring at her reflection, eyes dull, and Jayden tightened his grip on her hand underwater. It did nothing- Brooke only blinked, and she looked half dead.

It made Jayden feel extremely guilty, as she had to fight the nighlok alone because he wasn't strong enough. This was partially his fault, and the last thing he wanted to see. Brooke looked like a zombie, her chest rising and falling extremely faintly, and it was worrying.

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