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"You are responsible for Riele's kidnapping?"

We turned our hand and our eyes met someone we never thought we would ever see


Jace's POV

"Ella? What are you doing here and more importantly how long have you been standing there?" I asked scared that she might have heard our conversation

"Well, I kinda live here so I'm supposed to be here and I have been here for a while" she answered

"How much did you hear?" Sean asked

"Not much"

I heaved a sigh of relief until she started talking again

"But I did hear you say you had something to do with Riele's kidnapping" she said walking towards me

Shit! She heard everything

"Yeah I heard everything and I need an explanation right now"

"Well I don't know what you're talking about" I said

"Don't lie to me Jace, I heard everything you and your dumb friend said"

"Hey" Sean exclaimed

"First of all, Sean is not dumb he may be unserious with important issues, he may tend to lose concentration a lot and I mean a lot, he's one of the stupidest people I know an...."

"That's ok dude, are you defending me or trying to kill me?"

"I'm defending you buddy"

"Okay listen bird brains, even if you lie about it, I know what I heard and I want an explanation not a show by two idiots with BRAINS THE SIZE OF A PEANUT!!!!!" She said and it sent shivers to my body. I could see how angry she was cos her eyes were like bloodshot red.

"Fine, you want an explanation, you'll get an explanation"

I didn't actually know where to start and as I looked at Ella I just remembered how Riele was when we went to rescue her

"It started when Riele and Darryl started dating, I was so angry that they were together that I told Dad we have been hanging out and he was so mad that he wanted to kill both Riele and I but I managed to calm him down and proposed a plan that will help us both. At first Dad wanted to kill her but I suggested we kidnap her and torture her then we can kill her in public, I had the intention to rescue her later and that's what I did. I rescued her but it was comprised and she found out that I was involved in her kidnapping and now I don't know if she's mad at me or she's not and believe me I'm sorry and I'm gonna do whatever it takes to get her back. So that's it"

My head was down the whole time and when I looked up I met a motionless Ella who just looked at me

"So, let me get this straight, you pulled the classic Reuben and Joseph situation on my best friend because you wanted to be what? Some acclaimed superhero who puts others first?" She said tears in her eyes

"It's not like that, if I hadn't done what I did, Riele would have been dead"

"I don't get it, you claim to love her but you couldn't protect her from your hateful father instead you decided to kill her yourself, that's good.Bravo Jace Bravo. You didn't just lose Riele you lost me too" she was about to walk out but I grabbed her hand

"Ella don't do this to me, I can make this right"

"How? Cos I'm pretty sure you just killed my best friend and I don't think I can ever forgive you at least not yet and don't touch me again" she freed her hand from my grip and walked out

"Sean what just happened?"

"I think you just lost your best cousin and possibly your family"

I collapsed in the couch and cried  my heart out

1 week later

Sean's POV

It's been a week and Riele is finally awake. I'm at the hospital with my family and the Downs who so happen to also be my family, Mr and Mrs Downs had been here since last week and I mean it, they haven't gone home and I really feel for them but since Riele has woken up I believe that they will leave the hospital and Jace can have a chance to talk to Riele.
It's currently 8pm and the Downs just left so I let Jace in

"She's in Room 13B"

"Thanks man, I owe you"

"No need to thank me that's what friends do"

We did our little bro hug and I left

Jace's POV

I made my way to Room 13B. When I got there I held the door knob bracing myself for what's about to come next. I twisted the door knob opened and I entered and saw Riele in a wheelchair by the window looking outside and she looked so hurt and this made me hate myself all over again for what I did to her

"Riele?" I said but she didn't turn
"Riele it's me Jace" still no response. I walked up to her and touched her lightly on her shoulder and this time she turned around

"Riele? It's Jace, how are you?"

"I'm fine and why are you here?"

"I came to see you, I felt bad for doing this to you"

"I don't think murderers are allowed to see their victims, do tell me the real reason you're here" by this time her face held no emotion, no hate, regret, angry and most importantly no love.

"I came to apologize"

"Apologize for what? Oh you mean kidnapping me, having me tortured for weeks and finally leaving me half dead, is that what you want to apologise for cos of that's it,  don't waste your time talking cos I'm not forgiving this time"

"I know you're angry, furious infact but please just listen even if you're not gonna talk. I am so sorry for everything I did to you and I will forever regret being the cause of your pain and I hope you can find it in you to forgive me"



"Why? Why did you do it?"

"I was jealous, jealous that you were happy with a guy that's not me, I couldn't bear to see you with another guy cos I loved you and is still madly in love with you. I know you're broken...."

"It's funny you mentioned that, you know broken is the name of a poem I wrote when I walked in on my boyfriend in Wisconsin having a threesome with my secretary from my design company, my personal assistant and one of my best friends and no, it's not Ella. At that point, I was shattered, I was broken that I wrote a poem expressing that brokenness that I felt, a feeling I thought I will never feel ever again but here I am broken by the same thing again. Love. Love has never worked for me and it has left me broken on so many occasions but I keep falling in love and I don't know why. Love is a horrible thing"

"No it isn't, it is the most beautiful thing in the world and love doesn't break people, it fixes them and I believe I can fix our relationship with the undying love I have for you. Just give me another chance"

"I gave another chance and this is how it ended, me in a wheelchair for the rest of the month, this is what love did to me and I'm sorry Jace but I can't forgive, no not this time"

"But I love you"

"I think you need to leave"

"No Riele I'm not leaving till you forgive"

"Leave Jace or I'll call security"

"I don't care what you do, just please forgive me"

She took a remote and pressed it three times and within seconds a group of huge men came to the room and dragged me out of her room, then out of the hospital. I stood there in the rain motionless just looking at the hospital, thinking it I really just lost the love of my life.

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