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1 week later

Jace's POV

I wonder how Riele's doing, Ella came back last week and told me, she went back to Wisconsin but I know where she is. I can't get her image out of my head, her face how frightened it was when the men grabbed her, they keep me up at night and I don't know what to do. Do I go save her? What if my dad finds out?. I have to tell someone about this, I can't tell Xander then he would laugh at me for getting emotional over a girl then he would call me heartless and an jerk for sending the love of my life to an early grave just because she chose another guy instead of me and he would probably tell Ella and she would tell the Downs and a full on gang war will erupt in Westville cos one thing about Nathaniel Downs is he doesn't joke when it comes to his family, so the rational thing to do is tell Sean and maybe he can help me rescue Riele if he doesn't hate me by the time I tell him what I did. I grabbed my phone and scrolled through my contacts and tapped his name, it rang for a while before he answered

"Jace, what's up?"

"Are you busy?"

"Not really, why?"

"I have to tell you something important. How fast can you get here?"

"About 5 minutes"

"Okay, expecting you"

"Sure, bye dude"

"Bye bro"

I hung up and sat on my bed. I waited for a while and  now it has been 10 minutes since I called Sean but it's typical of Sean to be late. I started pacing around my room waiting for him to come but no Sean. After an hour I gave up on him coming so I crashed on my bed and sleep was literally hovering over my head and I managed to close one of my eyes before my bedroom door sprang open and there stood Sean flinging his car key with a smile on his face

"Dude you were supposed to be here like an hour ago" I said

"I know I was busy"

"But you told me you weren't busy"

"Uhm, rubber duck dude"


"Bro, I'm here now so what do you want?"

"I have something to tell you and before I do you have to promise you won't hate me"

"I won't"

I explained everything to Sean and he was looking at me with spite and hate

"So let me get this straight, after the awful rejection you suffered in the hands of Riele and after I gave you my helpful advice you st..."

I had to stop him"dude you didn't advice me"

"It doesn't matter. I believed you could get through it but you decided to end her life cos you didn't want to see her with another guy and also because you hate her"

"I don't hate her"

"How can you say you don't hate her when you literally sent her to her grave"

I stood up in anger "I don't hate her ok, I hate the idea of her being with someone that's not me. Do you know how long I waited for her to come back to Westville, hell for her to even talk to me, I did terrible things to her Sean,I bullied her for years cos I didn't wanna lose my status as the son of a mafia boss but I don't care about that now cos I have to go rescue the love of my life and it's either you help me or you sit on your ass and judge me"

Sean just looked at me in a weird way and I didn't even realize that I was crying until I tasted something salty

"Ok geez, I'll help you but did you have to go all sentimental on me"

"I literally just poured out my heart here and that is what you have to say"

"Don't blame me dude I don't know how to deal with guys that's obsessed with the girl they love"

"You're obsessed with Jade"

"Don't turn it on me, we're talking about you. So what's your big plan Superman?"

"I really don't have a plan"

"Dude, you brought me all the way from the comforts of my couch to help you and you have no plan, do you know that it took me a long time to get here"

"Dude you literally live 4 blocks from here"

"It doesn't matter bro. 4 blocks from here is a long distance in my dictionary"

"You're so lazy bro"

"Whatever, so you give me a big speech about saving the love of your life and you even cried but you have no plan to save her that's stupid even for you"

"Says the guy wearing flip flops"

"I told you, I didn't leave my house today"

"Dude just help me come up with a plan to rescue"

"I can't do everything for you, dog"

"You've literally done nothing for you"

"I came here didn't I? I listened to you rant and may I add cry about Riele didn't I? And now you want me to come up with a plan, that's not gonna happen cos I know nothing about planning a rescue"

"Fine I'll think of a plan"

"Cool, cool while you're thinking of a plan, I'm gonna be in your fridge. Bye dude"

He left and I sat on my bed thinking of ways I can rescue Riele without the whole town knowing she was kidnapped. I tossed and turned on my bed and it was like my brain was blocked until it hit me, the people know me so I'll just lie and tell them my dad wants me to take her to our house to continue torturing her but I will take her to a doctor I know to treat her. I jumped out of my bed and ran downstairs

"Sean, Sean I got an idea"

"What is it?"

"It's complicated just come on let's go"

"Right now?"

"Yeah" I grabbed my car keys and jacket

"But it's 2 minutes to midnight"


"So, I can't go cos I need to sleep"

"You're literally on my couch, stuffing your face with donuts and watching a Gotham marathon, how is that sleeping?"

"Fine I'm lying I don't wanna sleep but I can't go out now, it dark outside and you know I'm scared of the dark"

"You're right you are scared of the dark,  but how is a grown man scared of the dark?"

"And how is a grown man scared of clowns?"

"Oh, you wanna play that game now don't you? Alright fine, tomorrow we'll go rescue her"

"That's what I'm talking about"

"And dude please don't tell anyone not even Jade"

"Really? Not even her?"


"Fine my lips are sealed" he did that thing that people do that they zip there mouth and pretend as if they threw away the key

"Thank you"

"You wanna watch this marathon with me?"

"Do you even have to ask?" I sat near him and we started talking about the tv show

"Do you think it's weird that Jerome Valeska and Oswald Copplepot are my favorite characters?"

"Hell yeah, why would you like a bunch of psychopaths?"

"Cos they're the villains"

"I forgot you like the villains in movies well my favorite characters are Selina Kyle and Bruce Wayne"

"You know I ship them"

"Duh, everyone on the planet does"

We continued watching the marathon and talking

Another chapter down. Will Jace's plan work? What do you think about his confession to Sean? Tell me the comments. And if you haven't watched Gotham, please do it's amazing
Please vote!
Peace ✌️

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