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Riele's POV
I woke up with a splitting headache and bruises all over my body and I also had a busted lip but what suprised me the most was that I was in someone else's house without my pants and a baggy shirt. I managed to get out of bed and I was about to open the door when Glory came in

"Hey Riele, how're you feeling?" She asked

"Better I think where am I? And what am I  doing here?"

"Oh right, Jace brought you here last night cos you were unconscious and you had bruises and cuts over your body, so we cleaned you up and put you to sleep and this is my house"

"Thanks but where are my clothes?"

"Oh, I had to undress you so I could see all your cuts and dress them and Jace offered you his shirt but your clothes are in the dryer"

"Thanks again but I have to go"

I was about to walk out but I fell and lucky for me Glory caught me

"No missy, you're not leaving until I say so"

"What about my family especially my dad?"

"Don't worry I already took care of that, now come have breakfast"

I walked downstairs with her guidance and we went to the kitchen and I saw a stack of pancakes, some bacon and eggs

"Wow, this is really nice" I took a bite "and delicious too, where did you learn how to cook?"

"My mom actually taught me and I also learnt a few tricks from your mom and Ronald"

I almost choked "did you just say my mom?"

"Yeah your mom"


"Your mom knew about Ronald and I cos we started dating when we were in college and this house is where Ronald and I would meet sometimes and your mom would also come to see us and she gave me a few pointers"

"Wow, just wow, so when did you guys get married?"

"We were already married before Ronald introduced me to your family"

"But my dad told me you guys were engaged when you guys came back?"

"Well, we lied cos if Nathaniel knew he would probably kill me and disown Ronald you know how he is"

"Yes I do. Glory I know it may be hard for you but it's equally hard for me to ask but how did my brother die?"

She looked at me and I could see tears in her eyes

"It was a fateful summer day in Sacramento, my husband went to work, he studied law so he worked at a law firm as an attorney, he went to work that day and called me later that he would be coming back late and I said ok. I also went to work and when I came back I prepared dinner and waited for him to come home, then suddenly I  heard my phone ring and I answered and it was the hospital, they said I was needed urgently at the hospital cos my husband was in a terrible car accident so I went there and saw Ronnie attached to all sorts of machines and he wasn't conscious I can only tell you that my husband, my ray of sunshine, my world died in my arms"

She started crying

"I'm sorry for reopening old wounds" I consoled her

"It's not your fault"

"Anyways, how is your other brother, what was he's name" I snapped my have trying to remember

"Xander" he helped me

"Yeah him, how is he?"

"He's good, I guess but let's talk about you and my brother Jace"

"What about us?" There's nothing between us"

"Well I beg to differ"

"Glory, your brother hurt me for a very long time and I don't think the relationship we had before, we can never have it again"

"Riele I know my brother hurt ma but he's making an effort to gain your trust, am not telling you to forgive him right away but I need you to consider cos yesterday when he brought you here, he was worried he even wanted to stay but I told him not to, I mean he killed my father's man for you the least you can do is give him a chance"

"Fine I've heard you but am not making any promises"

Then, Jace walked in

"How are my two favorite ladies?" He asked

"We're good" Glory said

"Woah, what do we have here?" He said looking at my food

"Don't even think about it"

"Fine I won't" he left to the living room. I walked to him

"Um, Jace I wanted to thank you for saving my life yesterday if you weren't there I would have been dead by now"

"No need to thank me that's what friends do and are we friends?"

I smiled "of course" I sat down next to him and we stayed all through the day watching TV
I checked the time

"Oh my god, it's almost 8, I have to go"

"Hold on let me drive you back"

"Okay but wait where's my car?"

"It's in the driveway"

"Okay and Jace"


"Can I keep this shirt?"

He laughs "sure, why not"


I got dressed and we were off.

Jace's POV
I was driving Riele home and I was also fighting the urge to tell her how I feel but I have to tell her when the time is right and in a special place. We finally arrived

"Thanks Jace" she said getting down of the car

"Anytime Riele"

"Call me 'Rie', all my friends call me 'Rie'"

I just smiled and he walked out, I was about to drive out when she came back

"Jace, that's my car"

"Right, sorry" I stepped down and gave the car back to her and left feeling fulfilled and happy that at least am her friend

Another update
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