Part 3 - Kakashi Hatake

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Where we last left off Naruto had performed the Shadow clone Jutsu how many did he create? Who knows keep reading to find out. This chapter will try to focus on the team 7 I have made with Kakashi still leading
"Taju Kage Bunshin No Jutsu!" Naruto yelled as there was a gigantic puff of smoke. Once the smoke cleared all that could be seen were countless Narutos hovering near the 300 mark.

Everyone in the viewing area and Iruka were dumbfounded, not even the most powerful Jonin could make this many clones and yet Naruto the dead last could. "T-t-three hundred bunshin! And they're all solid too!" Iruka yelled out

Soon they all heard laughing, they turned their head to see the orange haired woman from before. You could her people talking through the viewing glass so Naruto dispersed the clones and sweat dropped. "Hey what's so funny Kura!" Everyone was surprised to find out that Naruto knew her.

"What was with that pathetic showing of your clones, you should have made all that you could!" Naruto grew a tick mark. By now all of the people there including the academy students had heard what was going on. The other academy students put their ears up against the wall to hear the conversation better. "You know what would happen if I went all out this place would be blown apart!"

Kura smirked as she turned towards the spectators. "If the little brat down there wanted to he could have summoned 3,000 bunshin and he'd still have chakra to spare. His chakra reserves are only second to mine, which at his age is insane."

Everyone in the viewing area's eyes widened at the statement that this mysterious woman had just made. "Eh, Kura I didn't want to reveal my true power yet!" Kura  just scoffed and closed her eyes. "It was going to happen eventually, rather sooner than later.

Iruka walked up to Naruto and handed him the headband before patting him on the head. "Naruto you pass!" Iruka said it with a genuine smile he was happy for him. "Thank you Iruka Sensei." He said as he walked out the door.

Needless to say, Minato and Kushina were the most surprised by this. The orange haired woman seemed to have trained Naruto. Not only that but she said he could summon 3,000 clones confidently and Naruto was mad at her for exposing his secret.

The blonde had tied his headband on before he left the room. He walked into the normal classroom and went to go sit down at his desk before pulling out a scroll and straying to read.

Everyone figured out what had happened in the testing room and were now a bit scared. Most of them had bullied Naruto and were scared of what he could have done to them.

Iruka soon walked out of the room with no headbands left. "Looks like everyone passes this year. I will now announce the teams." He went through the teams normally until he reached Team 7. "Team 7 will consist of Uchiha Satsuki, Haruno Sakura, Uzumaki-Namikaze Menma, and Uzumaki-Namikaze Naruto. Your Jonin team leader will be Kakashi Hatake." He continued normally again until heannounced team 9. "Team 9 will consist of Inuzuka Kiba, Aburame Shino, Hyuuga Hinata, and Uzumaki-Namikaze Mito. Your Jonin team leader will be Kurenai Yuhi." He then continued to say team 10 would be the InoShikaCho trio and their team leader was Sarutobi Asuma.

About 3 hours have passed since all of the other Jonin sensei came to pick up their genin. Naruto was sleeping on his desk, Satsuki was reading a scroll and Sakura was staring straight at Menma with hearts in her eyes. "Ugh this is so boring, when will Kakashi-nii get here." Menma said this loudly before grabbing the chalkboard eraser and placing it over the door. "What are you doing Menma-kun" Sakura called out to Menma as he finished putting the eraser above the door. You'll see soon enough.

Not long after a man walked in through the door and the eraser fell on his head. The man had gravity defying silver hair and wore his headband to cover his left eye. He also had a mask that covered the bottom half of his face, so from his nose and lower. The man grumbled a bit before turning to Menma. "It wasn't me it was that dammed brat over there." Menma pointed to Naruto who was still sleeping. Sakura immediately spoke up. "Yeah it was that demon!" He just sighed at the two. He had heard everything that went on and knew that it was Menma that did it. "My first impression of all of you is that the two chilling at their desks are cool and the only brats in here are you two. Naruto wake up and everyone meet me on the roof."

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