Part 7 - Mangekyō

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Hey guys I've decided to make most of the chapters 4000 words or more from now on. And I will most likely be uploading every 3 days or so. It all depends on what's going on. Anyways what is Naruto's mysterious new Mangekyo ability? Let's find out.


All of a sudden Haku's Ice Mirrors turned the same color as the Susanoo's ribcage and Haku was ejected out of them. In the mirrors now was Naruto, he had taken control of Haku's Ice Mirrors and was jumping in and out hitting Haku every time. He finally decided to finish it, so he charged up his Shiden in his arm and used it like the Chidori and pierced Haku's chest, killing him.

Just before the Ice mirrors shattered and disappeared Naruto called out. "Yamabiko." And the shards seemed to be sucked right into his left eye." Now blood was dripping uncontrollably from both eyes.

When he turned around he walked over to Satsuki, picking her up. He slowly took each senbon out from her body, and ended on two that were in her neck.

After taking those two out Satsuki woke up slowly and through her eyes that were still adjusting to the light she saw Naruto. Holding her in his arms and sobbing uncontrollably with blood coming out of his eyes as well.

"N-Naruto? Is that you? What happened?" Naruto looked down at Satsuki and started crying even more.

"I thought you were dead?! Don't scare me like that again, I thought you were gone for good this time!" Naruto was still crying into her shoulder, but these were happy tears.

The blonde stood up carrying Satsuki (who was blushing profusely) bridal style and walked over to Kakashi who had just killed Zabuza with a Chidori. "Kakashi-sensei, can I take Satsuki back to Tazuna's house so she can rest?"

As he was asking Gato and his thugs approached, all having weapons in their hands. "Thank you leaf ninja you just made my life easier. I was going to kill them anyways once they finished the job, but now I don't have to."

Naruto was enraged for two reasons, one the way Gato treats the people he's hired is horrible, and two Satsuki almost died because he was greedy and hired Zabuza to kill the bridge builder when he wasn't even going to pay him. If they had died Nothing would have mattered anyway.

As most would be Naruto was consumed with rage. He gave Satsuki to Kakashi and tried out his new technique. "Shiden: Kokushi no Manto!" Just as its name says purple lightning chakra similar to his susanoo surrounded his body and black lightning crackled in the air around him. It looked very similar to the tenseigan chakra cloak except without the horns or tomoes at the collar. Instead it just made his normal clothes gain a purple glow and gave him a cloak similar in fashion to Minato's Hokage cloak. The purple glow left his skin untouched and contrasted against his tanned skin.

Then in a flash of purple Naruto ran through all of Gato's thugs, killing them before reaching him. He deactivated his Shiden and threw the greedy man over by Kakashi. "You should choose what to do with him, we could get something out of him I think." Then not saying any further words he took Satsuki back to Tazuna's and made her rest.

Next Morning

Naruto woke up to see Menma laying on the floor with his blanket caught on his foot like he had fallen out of his bed last night. He walked out of his room and down the stairs. He saw Satsuki and Tsunami seemingly talking about girl stuff, so he went into the kitchen only to find Kakashi.

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