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I'm pretty sure a lot of people didn't like the first part of the Chunin Exams and how Satsuki and Naruto were able to kill Itachi. I'm sorry if you didn't like it but I'm planning on doing a rewrite of this story where I change that soon most likely after I finish my second fanfic on here. Other than that, nothing really. But this will be a double upload today. The reason I'm late with these two chapters is because school has just gone back to normal and I don't have the time I used to to write so the chapters will be coming out on either Saturday or Sunday from now on. Not on both days unless I have extra time to write.

With the Masked Man a bit into the invasion

The man in the mask, otherwise known as Obito or Tobi, had been planning an attack on Konoha for quite some time. He had finally gotten Pain to agree after after helping a few leaf nin kill Akatsuki members. He had used Kamui on Hidan and released him to be fought off by some Konoha nin a day before he died of starvation.

He had eliminated four of Kakazu's hearts and teleported him near a large number of Konoha nin, all of these ninja were eventually able to kill Kakazu and spread the word that the leaf had taken out two Akatsuki members.

He thought that he would have to eliminate one more member, but Itachi was killed on the scouting mission he had gotten from Obito at the hands of Naruto and Satsuki.

That was the final straw for Pain. Seeing multiple members of the Akatsuki had died at the hands of Konoha nin, so he saw Konoha as a large enough threat to eliminate it and sped up his plans.

Obito was definitely not prepared for this. With all of the prep he had done leading up to this event, he couldn't prepare for this. Someone had a counter for Pain, and he was using it to fight on equal grounds with him. Not only that, but Kakashi, Satsuki, and Tsuki had figured out the secret to Kamui and were using it to hit him more than he was able to handle.

Back to where we left off

"Shinra Tensei!"

Nagato had temporarily stopped supplying chakra the five other paths and focused on the Deva Path. The Shinra Tensei he released flattened all of Konoha into a dome shape.

Only a few ninja survived, the five Kage, a few random Jonin, Jiraiya of the Sanin, Naruto, Satsuki, Tsuki, Kakashi, and the rest of the Rookie Eleven and their sensei.

Everything and everyone else was gone, destroyed. A few random people may have survived here and there, but they would be of no help in the fight to come. Noticeable shops like Ichiraku's were gone and the Kage tower looked to have not been there at all.

Naruto rushed over the now crumbled stadium walls and towards the Masked Man. But before he could reach him he was pushed away by Satsuki. "Go and take care of that guy!" She yells out pointing into the sky. The man who had crushed Konoha floated above them, staring at them as if they were ants.

Nagato returned chakra to the other Paths of Pain and made them run towards the five Kage. The Raikage, A, was pulled away by the Preta Path attempting a punch at him. The Tsuchikage, Onoki, was engaged in a fight with Human path who he had witnessed ripping the soul out of a surviving villager. The Mizukage, Mei, was attacked by the Animal Path. The Asura Path took on the Hokage, Minato. And the Naraka Path was against the Kazekage Rasa.

As A was fighting the Preta Path, he felt his chakra leaving his body and being absorbed into a small dome by the Preta Path. Not only that, but his lightning cloak turned off whenever he got within the range of the dome after about five seconds. But that was all he needed. The Path was engaged in taijutsu with A who jumped back every four or five seconds, as to not have his lightning cloak removed and his chakra absorbed.

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