Part 5 - Demon

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There will be cringe. You have been warned. Anyways the man in the mirror will have to wait until later, I have some ideas for him but not that many. I still needed to introduce him into the story and then just seemed like the right time. He will be very important later on so don't forget about him. There is also a trigger warning for mentions of rape, and scenes of torture.

September 26

"The only difference between a man and a demon is their mission. A demon thrives on killing and destroying the lives of others. A human strives to help and protect others. That is exactly why a demon can become a human and a human a demon." Naruto said this to himself thinking no one was listening, but it turns out someone was. As he was walking down the streets he reassured himself by saying this. He was not a demon, neither was Kura they were just dealt shitty situations and were branded as demons for what came from it.

The person sunk back into the shadows before Naruto could sense him and took of his mask as he walked towards the Hokage's office.


Team 7 was at their training grounds waiting for  their sensei. When he finally arrived he had someone with him. It was Itachi, the teenager was already an Anbu team captain but was acting as a Jonin today.

"Hello my cute little genin, since we have an additive member there is the option to have a second sensei. I'm testing that today. Itachi Uchiha has been chosen to train our additive member, Naruto specifically." Menma frowned at this. "Why does the demon get his own teacher, if anyone should get a second teacher it's me. Itachi, as the Hokage's son I demand you train me instead of the demon brat!"

Itachi replied with a familiar statement to Naruto. "The only difference between a human and a demon is their mission. A demon thrives on killing and destroying the lives of others. A human strives to help and protect others. That is is why a demon can become a human and a human a demon." Naruto's eyes widened slightly but other than that he hid his surprise pretty well after. Itachi saw this and smiled a bit a Naruto before turning back to the other team members.

Menma was pissed at the fact that a prestigious Uchiha like Itachi would want to train Naruto instead of himself. "Well then I'll just tell my daddy and you can be fired!" Kakashi audibly sighed. "You can't always rely on your dad to get what you want. He was the one who ordered me to get a separate teacher for Naruto anyways, so he can't overturn this."

"Fine the demon can have one win." Menma spat out bitterly. Naruto then looked at Kakashi and mouthed "Thank you".

Anyways, Kakashi continued. "As Itachi and Naruto train for the next month we will be doing missions. Since Naruto and Itachi will be training they will not participate in any missions other than C-Rank and above.

"That's not fair! Why do we have to do stupid D-Rank missions while Naruto gets stronger!" Menma wasn't having it, he believed that Naruto was below him but he was the one getting special treatment.

Kakashi sighed again. "While he is already at lest high Chunin level, we need to make sure that he is a minimum of low Jonin before going on B and higher we ranked missions. Unless you want to be stuck doing D and C rank missions. Along with that, if Naruto does reach Jonin level, we'll be the only genin team to be able to go on B and possibly A-Rank missions. If Naruto wasn't already at this level there would be no chance of this happening."

Menma silently cursed as Satsuki felt gratitude, even though she isn't the strongest on the team because of this it's better than not going on high ranked missions. As well as feeling gratitude she felt something else, but that's unimportant at the moment.

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