Chapter 18

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Everyone knew about Hurricane Katrina and the effect it had on New Orleans.
What no one knew was that same exact hurricane tore through that little town in Georgia, like a wrecking ball.

It had been raining pretty hard for a few hours now and it didn't seem to be letting up anytime soon.
Merle snoring on the living room couch and the whir of the fan in his kitchen masked the sound of the harsh rain outside.
His phone rang from underneath a stack of old magazines and it took him a few seconds to figure out where exactly that damn ringing was comin' from.
He looked over the caller I.d and smiled
"Hey blue eyes."
He herd Beth's fast breathing on the other end and immediately tensed up.
"Beth what's the..."
"Daryl have you been checking your tv." She asked shakily.
He made his way to the tv knocking Merle's feet off the chair as he crossed to the remote. Waking up the grumpy giant.
"I'm turning it on now, what's goin' on?"
"Just watch"
He turned on the news and was immediately silenced.
" all people are being asked to evacuate there homes immediately due to the oncoming hurricane You May bring only what you can carry and find safe ground....." They rattled off safe zones for families, as Daryl and Merle looked at each other confused.
"Beth where's your daddy? Maggie?"
"He's calling everyone, tryin' to find a place for all of us to meet, were gunna meet at the safety zone by the high school, get you and Merle down to that high school and well meet you there. I gotta pick up carl from the middle school, Rick can't get there he has Judith."
Daryl pushed away the nagging fear he had and the instinct to tell her to wait to get carl and let his teachers get him there but he settled for
" you just be safe y'hear? We still got a lot of things to discuss"
She laughed on the other end.
"I ain't goin' nowhere Daryl, we gotta finish a few conversations. You don't think you'll get away that easily do you?"
He laughed and breathed shakily.
"I don't say goodbye Daryl, I don't like goodbyes"
"Me neither." He agreed closing his eyes " how about we settle for see you later?"
There was a pause on the other end before he heard the quiet whisper
"See ya later Daryl Dixon"
He closed his eyes Leaning his head back as he whispered back
"See ya later Beth Greene."
Merle and him grabbed there hunting packs and filled it with everything they could fit as they headed out to the truck.
"Swear to god brother it's me, I just can't help but bring trouble with me everywhere I land."
Daryl laughed driving across the muddy dirt road.
" hey now, you don't get to take credit for this one. This one here's all Mother Nature in a bitch mood."
They pulled up to the high school and awkwardly walked to the front door.
"Yknow somethin' ? I ain't never stepped foot into a high school?" Merle stated.
"Me neither" Daryl agreed.
"Well, better late then never right?"
They shared a comfortable smile , walking into the crowded school.
Glenn was the first one to run over to the men.
"Hey were camped up over there" he pointed towards the group of cots where the rest of the market was planted.
As they made there way over, Daryl couldn't quite place the blue eyed blonde anywhere.
Hershel grabbed Daryl's hand in a firm shake.
"She'll get here."
Daryl looked over and noticed the slight look of concern in Hershel's eyes.
He nodded setting up a cot in the corner next to Merle.

It had been two hours and no sign of Beth or Carl.
Rick and Hershel were talking hushed in the corner so close there foreheads were almost touching. He knew how terrified they were. There children were missing in the midst of a storm.
It was about an hour later when all shit hit the fan.
He heard the screaming first. Then felt the ground shaking and watched the tree split the roof in half.
Everyone started running then . out of the building and into the storm. Rick was screaming for everyone to stay together when a bloodied carl ran towards his father. Alone.
"Dad!" He screamed running into his arms.
"Carl! What happened ?why are you bleeding? Where's Beth?"
Carl gasped through snotty tears
"The car it completely flipped over the hill! The power line went down on us. She told me to go! To run! To find you I don't know where it happened it was some ditch."
Rick looked over at Hershel hugging carl to his chest
"Okay good boy. Good boy."
The lightening and wind was blowing objects at them left and right.
"Go! Everyone go!" Daryl shouted over the wind and pounding rain.
"Find shelter! I'll find you. I'll catch up!"
Rick shook his head "you're coming with us, there's no way I'm letting you go out into this on your own."
"I'll be fine Rick, you were made for this, help our family. Get them somewhere safe. Remember how when we were kids and we would play explorer?"
Ricks lips quirked as he nodded his head
Daryl continued "you always got us home safe by being the leader. This time it's for real. I'll see you soon okay?"
Rick grabbed the back of his head as Daryl did the same pushing there foreheads together before walking off.
Merle grabbed his arm "I'm not leaving you on your own" he yelled
"They need you Merle! They need your skills. I'll meet up with you all. I have to find her."
Merle dropped his arm and pulled him into a hug clapping his back.
"Be safe."
The rest of the group nodded agreement and murmured directions.
Hershel came behind him and clapped a hand on his shoulder.
"You don't have to do this. I'll go. This is my daughter."
Daryl shook his head
"I have to go. I'll bring her back to you. I promise."
Hershel nodded and looked into his eyes
"Thankyou son."
Daryl watched everyone leave the high school holding tight to what they had brought.
Gritting his teeth and baring the rain. He made his way into the hurricane.
Hang in there Beth. I'm coming.

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