~A Time Away~

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Lionblaze sat in the clearing along with Cinderheart, Bramblestar, Squirrelflight, Onestar, Harespring, Crowfeather, and Whitetail. Heathertail's body was between Onestar and Whitetail.

"Onestar. We have called for a meeting because we must decide what to do with this accident" Bramblestar told Onestar

"This was no accident! He killed her on purpose!" Onestar snarled

Lionblaze's eyes widened at the thought of killing a cat on purpose.

"Lionblaze wouldn't. He is a loyal warrior." Squirrelflight argued

"I demand a punishment." Onestar said

"To be fair, we must also ask ourselves why Heathertail attacked Lionblaze." Crowfeather said

Onestar reluctantly nodded and looked at Lionblaze.

"Well I was going to bury Ashykit. And she attacked him" Lionblaze started, leaving out the part when she asked him if he would bury their kits.

"I knew he was dead but she acted like he wasn't and she kept hurting him so I sprang and we started fighting. She nearly killed me once and I lunged and then she was dead. So I groomed Ashykit, buried him, then brought Heathertail to camp." Lionblaze explained

Onestar nodded

"So she attacked a dead kit?" Whitetail whimpered

Lionblaze nodded. 

Bramblestar and Onestar had their heads together talking. Reluctantly, Bramblestar nodded and they both came back.

"We have decided your punishment." Onestar said

"You must leave Thunderclan for one moon" Onestar said, sitting down

Lionblaze sprang up, Cinderheart right after him.

"Please, don't make him leave" Cinderheart pleaded

"Why not" Onestar snorted

"I want to be there when my kits take their first bite of fresh-kill. Or be the first one to show them around camp. Please" Lionblaze pleaded

"I didn't know you recently had kits" He said, turning to Cinderheart.

"We had five. Ashykit was a still-born" Cinderheart whimpered

"What are their names?" Onestar asked, his features softening when Cinderheart pressed against Lionblaze.

"We haven't named them yet" Lionblaze told Onestar

"I guess you could help with apprentice chores." Bramblestar said

Squirrelflight relaxed against Bramblestar and they all dipped their heads to the Windclan cats and went home.


"NO!" Heathertail shrieked as Lionblaze and Cinderheart walked back to Thunderclan together.

"Are you ok Heathertail?" Thistleclaw purred at the rage and anger pouring off of the she-cat.

"We will train your kits for revenge" Tigerstar assured her, slinking out of the shadows

Heathertail nodded. She finally felt at home with her own kind. Killers,murderers, code-breakers. The Dark Forest. She smiled.

Cinderheart x Lionblaze x HeathertailWhere stories live. Discover now