~Broken 4ever'

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Cinderheart saw Lionblaze run out of camp. She didn't realize he was close with Twigbranch. She raced out after him. Something felt wrong, Lionblaze didn't smell like he was sad. She smelled excitement. When he reached the Windclan border Cinderheart peeked from behind the bush she was hiding to see Lionblaze sitting with Heathertail, tails enterwined with heathertail leaning on Lionblaze. She blinked. 

She loved Lionblaze more than anything but this had to be his choice. Not hers.

She emerged from the bush with a crackle. Lionblaze and Heathertail spun around, hackles up. Lionblaze's lowered when he saw it was only Cinderheart.

" Cinderheart...... i ........i can explain" Lionblaze stammered

She stared calmly at him

"No need. you have to explain to yourself. if this is the right thing to do. don't worry, i won't tell" she sighed and with that left.

Lionblaze stared at her as she left,eyes sparkiling with admiration for the she-cat.

"Lionblaze!" Heathertail growled,taking him out of his thoughts

"you still are going to meet me?" she asked

"I explained to myself Heathertail. Cinderheart is right. This is wrong" He admitted

"Why?!!?" she wailed in despair, rushing up to him and trying to twine her tail with his but he moved it away

"we're in diffrent clans" He told her

"I'll move to your clan!" she wailed

Lionblaze shook his head 

"it won't work for you" he told her and with no glance and no good-bye he raced away into the tree's, leaving a broken Heathertail behind.

Cinderheart x Lionblaze x HeathertailWhere stories live. Discover now