~ better ~

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Cinderheart forced her eyes open. Everything hurt. From her legs to her head. She felt a body curled around her, keeping her warm. She shifted and saw golden fur. She let out a tiny gasp. Lionblaze lifted his head.

"Cinderheart!" he purred, licking her head

"why are you here?" she asked

"because i love you" he said

Cinderheart's blue eyes shone brightly in the moonlight.

"really?" she asked

He nodded, nuzzling her. 

She leaned against him,taking in that he was her mate.

"something feels wrong" she whispered

She was right. Just unaware of that. Two purple eyes shone in the black.

"i'm coming for you." the cat whispered then dissapeared into the black night

"so i'm going to be a father?" LIonblaze asked

Cinderheart nodded

Lionblaze swept his tail across her stomach

"how much time?" He asked

"a moon or so." she told him

"perfect." he murmured,twining his tail with hers and falling asleep. 

She licked his ear and fell asleep to his warmth and love.

~~timeskip to the next morning~~

Cinderheart leaned on lionblaze and slowly limped outside.

yowls of "Cinderheart!" and "you're ok" were shouted but were quickly silenced when Lionblaze gave them a 'shut up' glare. Poppyfrost came over,4 kits trailing behind.

"you've had your kits!" Cinderheart exclaimed

Poppyfrost nodded.

"this is Dapplekit" Poppyfrost said, beckoning her tail to a dappled tortoishell and pale yellow fur and blue eyes she-kit

"this is Sleekkit" she said, under her legs was a sleek pale yellow tom

"and this is Amberkit" she said showing with her tail a she-kit that looked like exactly like Poppyfrost but with amber eyes.

Cinderheart touched nose's with each of the kits

"how are you?" Poppyfrost asked

"i could feel better" Cinderheart admitted

"you'll feel better in no time" Poppyfrost told her, licking her cheek and giving her a nudge towards the nursery

As she left Lionblaze's side to try to walk by herself she asked

"what did you name him." she whispered to Poppyfrost

"Foxkit" she whispered

"well that hardly sounds fair" Cinderheart said

Poppyfrost shrugged.

When they reached the nursery Cinderheart found a nest waiting for her.

"can i play with your kits?" Cinderheart asked

"of course!" Poppyfrost exclaimed, calling her kits over.

Cinderheart found out that kits were very, VERY good at moss-ball.

When night fell she curled up in her nest. Lionblaze came in and curled his body around her. usally toms weren't allowed to sleep in the nursery but she felt safe only with him..........

Cinderheart x Lionblaze x HeathertailWhere stories live. Discover now