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Lionblaze looked around. Nobody in sight, just Cloudtail who was guarding the entrance but had (again) fallen asleep. Lionblaze crept out through the dirtplace tunnel. He had promised Heathertail to meet at the Windclan/Thunderclan border.

He heard voices in the distance, the moonhigh patrol! He had completly forgot about that. He took the longer way but finally he got to the border.

"heathertail?" he called out uneasily

A cat jumped on him from behind. He was about to attack when he realized it was Heathertail. He purred and flipped her over. she squeked in suprise. he purred again. 

"hey Lionblaze" Heathertail purred

"hey love. I see you got yourself in a mess?" He purred

"shush you" she said in a stern playful voice  

He purred and Heathertail purred. They played all night long until they fell down beside each other.

"Let's sleep here tonight. please" Lionblaze begged heathertail

She nodded. Soon they had made a nest and had hopped into it. Heathertail curled up and Lionblaze curled up next to her. Soon she was sleeping, her flank rising and falling against his. He stroked his tail along her spine.

A wind started up,making her shiver. He pulled her closer, making her relax. He protectivly curled his tail around her and soon fell asleep to her breathing.

Cinderheart x Lionblaze x HeathertailWhere stories live. Discover now