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Lionblaze fluffed out his fur against the crisp leaf-bare night. Cinderheart had stayed in camp, having a quarter moon until she kitted Lionblaze thought it was safer. Bramblestar jumped onto the tree, nodding to the other leaders. 

"Starclan has been generous to us this leaf-bare, giving us 4 kits of Heathertails" Onestar called out

Murmurs of congratulations swept through crowd.

"Are they all healthy?" Mistystar asked

Onestar hesitated, as if he was not sure of telling the clans a piece of information.

"One of the she-cats is blind" He said reluctantly

A ripple of sorriness swept through the crowd.

"But she will live a good life in Windclan" Onestar said defensively

"I don't doubt it" Bramblestar said amusingly

Onestar growled but stepped back,letting Mistystar take his place.

"The river has frozen! But we are still strong,hunting on land" Mistystar reported

"I doubt that" Lionblaze whispered to Jayfeather

When Jayfeather didn't answer Lionblaze poked him with a paw.

"What!?" He snapped

" I said you're a furball" Lionblaze purred

Jayfeather's eyes dulled.

"You know those kits are yours." Jayfeather whispered

Lionblaze turned his head away 

"They will never be mines" He growled

"My kits are Cinderheart's kits, not some Windclan cat" He continued

"She's not just any Windclan cat" Jayfeather pointed out 

"So she's a Windclan she-cat!" Lionblaze hissed at his brother

"That kit is blind because of you" Jayfeather said calmly

"SHE IS NOT" he snarled 

All the cats heads turned towards Lionblaze. The golden tom's ears turned pink.

"Lionblaze? Did you want to say something?" Bramblestar asked 

Lionblaze shook his head quickly.

"Very well" Bramblestar said suspiciously 

"As you can see Thunderclan is going crazy! And stealing our prey!" Tigerstar spat

"That's isn't true. We have stayed on our side of the border." Bramblestar said, trying to keep his calm

"LIAR" Tigerstar roared

Clouds crossed the moon

"Look! Starclan is angry!" A cat whispered from the back of the crowd

"This gathering is over!" Mistystar declared, nimbly picking her way down the tree.

"Thunderclan to me!" Bramblestar called and Lionblaze shuffled towards him.

The trek home was cold and unforgiving. Lionblaze kept his distance from Jayfeather and Bramblestar.

When they reached camp Lionblaze saw CInderheart sitting outside of the nursery, gray fur fluffed up.

He hurried towards her

"Cinderheart! You could get a cold outside" Lionblaze fretted

"So could you" She snorted

Lionblaze herded Cinderheart back inside the nursery, making sure she was comfortable then giving her a lick on the ear and leaving.

Cinderheart shivered. It was cold. But she also felt something... no someone's presence. Cinderheart looked around but all she saw was Poppyfrost and the kits snoring gently. She crept out of the nursery, careful not to wake Poppyfrost and the kits. She knew how hard it was to put kids to bed.

She walked towards the warriors den, nodding to Blossomfall who was guarding the camp. She reached the den and slipped inside, picking her way through the  mass of sleeping cats. Soon she found a golden ball and poked it with her paw. Lionblaze stirred and in a second he was up, claws unsheathed,teeth bared, and ears flattened.

"Lionblaze it's me everything is ok." She reassured him

He relaxed and licked her ear

"Do you need anything?" he yawned

"Can you sleep with me?" She asked

"Of course but why?" He asked

"I.. I just don't feel that safe" she admitted

"Of course!" Lionblaze told her, leading her back to the nursery and curling up around her.

Cinderheart sighed contently,letting herself relax in his presence

Cinderheart x Lionblaze x HeathertailWhere stories live. Discover now