~ Confined ~

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"Heathertail, where were you last night?" Onestar asked

"Out." Heathertail told him

"Out where?" He persisted

"Leave me alone!" She growled,turning and leaving the den

"I will not! You are confined to camp for the next moon!" Onestar growled

"You can't do that!" Heathertail complained

"I'm clan leader, I can do whatever I want!" He growled

Heathertail snarled and stomped out of the den.

Outside the den Breezepelt was waiting for her

"What happened?" He asked

"Onestar confined me to camp for the next moon!" She growled walking to the warriors den

Breezpelt tried twining his tail with hers. She swept it against her stomach with a growl. And then she felt something. 

Something kicking her tail. No.... not something. Someone.............................

Breezepelt pressed against her. NO! Nobody could know yet! She pushed him away. He looked hurt.

She bared her teeth and stalked away. She snatched a rabbit and stalked to a shady place in camp. She tore into the rabbit,extra hungry. Whitetail raised her head from where she was talking with Sedgwhisker. With a nod to Sedgewhisker she bounded over to Heathertail.

Heathertail's mother settled herself next to her daughter. Heathertail tore at the rabbit again.

"What happened?" Whitetail asked gently

"Your mate happened!" she hissed

Whitetail rolled her eyes

"What did he do this time?" she sighed

"He confined me to camp for the next moon because i went 'out' last night!" She wailed

They stayed in silence until Whitetail gasped

"What?" Heathertail asked uneasily

"You're expecting kits!" Whitetail exclaimed

Heathertail froze. She had pushed breezetail away but not her mother.

She nodded slowly

"Great because i'm expecting your siblings!" Her mother said,standing up

Heathertail unfroze and stood up to,nuzzling her mother

"How much more time?" her mother asked

" In a quarter-moon" Heathertail answered

"Oh! Then i'll be kitting after you!" Whitetail exclaimed

"That's great!" Heathertail said

"Let's go make a nest!" Whitetail suggested

"I'm confined to camp" Heathertail pointed out dryly

Whitetail nodded and ran over to Onestar's den, emerging a few minutes later.

"Your father didn't know, and with Leaf-bare approaching he is stressed" Whitetail explained gently

Heathertail nodded and they set off to find moss and bracken.

They found a moss clump and carried it back to camp.

Around moon-high Heathertail yowled loud and clear. As another spasm took hold of her Kestrelwing hurried in.

"You're going to be fine." he reasurred her

She whimpered. A image of Lionblaze's majestic amber gaze burned through her mind. She faintly heard her mother and Kestrelwing encouraging her. Finally the spasms stopped. Heathertail lay limp in the nest, to exhausted to move.

But her motherly instinct told her that her kits needed her. There were 5 of them she counted as she swept them closer with her tail. 3 she-kits and 2 tom-kits.

Breezepelt burst into the nursery, eyes wild with panic. The panic in his eyes faded when he saw Heathertail.

He started approaching her but she growled.

Breezepelt cringed back,stung. She bared her teeth once more then curled around her five suckling kits. Her mother came next to her.

"Why did you shoo Breezepelt away?" She asked

" because he's not the father!" she growled,resting her head on the side of the nest.

"Well who is?" she asked curiosly

"A tom who doesn't want to be known as the father of these kits." she stated,sweeping one of the she-kits who had stumbled out of the nest.

"Fine!" Her mother retorted and padded to her nest

"Fine!" Heathertail hissed at her

Cinderheart x Lionblaze x HeathertailWhere stories live. Discover now