~why? NO!~

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Cinderheart woke to a paw poking her.

"wha?!" she said, waking up.

"it's sunhigh silly!" Hollyleaf told her

"why didn't you wake me up before?" Cinderheart asked,scrambling to her paws.

Hollyleaf shrugged

" you should be in the nursery." she told Cinderheart

"what do you mean?" CInderheart asked caustiosly

"you're ovbiously expecting" Hollyleaf pointed out

Cinderheart's vision blurred. her! a mother!?

Hollyleaf guided her to the nursery.

"is my brother the father?" Hollyleaf asked

CInderheart thought that over. He loved Heathertail even if she loved him.

"i don't know." she admitted to her best friend

"well i'll get you some fresh-kill, you should see twi-" she stopped herself

" I mean Finleap's kits" she said,eyes darkening

Cinderheart nodded and slipped inside. Poppyfrost was nursing the two un-named kits.

"hi poppyfrost!" she said, trying to sound cheerful

"Hey Cinderheart! you're moving in right? i'm so lonely exept for these 3" she said,cuddling the kits.

One of them squeaked at Cinderheart's new scent. The other 2 just stayed curled at the bottom of the nest.

"i'm worried about those 2" she said

She touched her nose to each of the kits.

Poppyfrost froze.

"Cinderheart! they're dead!" she whimpered

Cinderheart touched her nose to the 2 dead-cold kits. 

"i have to tell finleap...................." Cinderheart stumbled out of the den. 

She headed to the warrior den.

"Finleap........................ the 2 toms are dead" she whispered

Finleap stared at her like she was a starclan cat. He stumbled out of the den. Poppyfrost must have told the clan because as he stumbled out cries of "i'm so sorry" were aimed towards him.

He raced out of the camp. She followed him more slowly,knowing she could do something. Soon he arrived at the occupied fox den. Cinderheart realized what he was doing.

"Finleap, NO!" she screeched but before she could say more something pounced behind her.

The fox! It teared at her flanks. She could feel the kits moving inside.

Finleap sprang,tearing at the fox. The fox turned around and snarled, jumping at Finleap. Cinderheart lay on the ground, uncoincoius.

Finleap jumped onto the back and bit on the fox's neck harder than he had ever bitten. The fox threw him off his back and Finleap hit a tree with his head with a sickening 'CRACK'.  But the fox collapsed too, dead from that bite.


Lionblaze bounded out of the camp, eagerly stretching his legs. Then he smelled blood. A lot. He followed his nose to the clearing and there, there was a barely alive Cinderheart a dead Finleap and a dead fox.

He rushed over to Cinderheart and saw nasty gash's in her flank. He grabbed her scruff and dragged her towards the camp. But before he reached the camp Heathertail raced in front of him. 

He blinked in suprise.

"put that she-cat down" she spat

Lionblaze put her down and shielded her body with his own.

"go back to your own territory windclan intruder" he growled, dropping into a fighting crouch.

But before he could jump a patrol appeared.

" take care of the intruder." he nodded to Thornclaw and started dragging Cinderheart. Hollyleaf raced from the patrol.

"let me roll her onto you?" she offered

Lionblaze nodded and crouched down. Hollyleaf rolled her on and then ran ahead to call Leafpool.

When Lionblaze arrived Leafpool was waiting outside the medicine den. She winced at the severe wounds that criss-crossed Cinderhearts flanks. 

"Her kits might not make it through" she told Lionblaze

"kits?!!?!" Lionblaze asked, startled

Leafpool nodded.

"of course there yours but for some reason she says she doesn't know who the father is" Leafpool told him as she applied Marigold to her wounds.

But Lionblaze was lost in thoughts. She didn't say he was the father becasue she knew about Heathertail! She didn't know that he left Heathertail!

"you have to wake her up!" Lionblaze exclaimed

"i don't know if she'll make it through." Leafpool admitted

Lionblaze growled and jumped into the nest.

"careful!" Leafpool warned

He curled around her soft little body and curled his tail over her, like he used to do with Heathertail. Through her sleep she twined her tail with his as if to tell him "i'll get through this with you"

He rested his head on hers,taking in her scent.

Cinderheart x Lionblaze x HeathertailWhere stories live. Discover now