~ Greencough ~

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Heathertail watched her kits frolic in the rare leaf-bare sunshine. She wrapped her tail around Sunkit. Heathertail preferred the blind kit stay with her. All of a sudden a Thunderclan patrol crashed into the camp. Whitetail snatched Goldykit and Heathertail quickly herded Sunkit,Dawnkit, and Eaglekit inside the nursery.

Once the kits were quietly playing inside Heathertail came out and sat outside the nursery, tail neatly wrapped over her paws. Her eyes swept the Thunderclan patrol. And her eyes saw him. Golden coat, amber eyes. Lionblaze. She bared her teeth at him and continued looking at the cats.

Squirrelflight in the lead with Berrynose, Thornclaw, and Blossomfall behind her. Onestar was talking with Squirrelflight. Heathertail's kits tumbled out of the  nursery wrestling. Lionblaze's eyes landed on them and he bared his teeth at her kits.

"Mama!!! That cat glared at us" Goldykit wailed

The others nodded,except Sunkit

"Well dears didn't I tell you not to come out?" Heathertail scolded them

They hung their head. With a sweep of her tail and a glare at Lionblaze she disappeared into the nursery, herding her kits in front of her.

Lionblaze shook his head. They were just here to get some catmint and leave. Kestrelflight dropped some catmint at his feet. 

"Thanks." He said to Kestrelflight

The tom nodded and bounded away

Squirrelflight thanked Onestar and lead the patrol back to camp

Cinderheart x Lionblaze x HeathertailWhere stories live. Discover now