~A Race In Time~

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Lionblaze raced back to camp. This was a race against time. He had to get home to Cinderheart. She had Greencough and she was kitting!  Lionblaze raced ahead of the group, his pads barely skimming the ground. 

He reached the camp and spit out the herb for Alderheart who nodded a thanks and raced into the nursery. Lionblaze paced in front of the nursery, wincing every time a yowl came from the nursery.

Squirrelflight was trying to calm him down.

"Lionblaze calm down! Cinderheart is a tough, young warrior who can get through anything!" She reassured him over and over.

"But she has Greencough!" Lionblaze pointed out.

~~~~~~~Much Later On In The Day~~~~~~~~~

Alderheart emerged from the nursery followed by Jayfeather. Both of their eyes were dull and weary.

"Is she ok?!?!?" Lionblaze cried

"Who???" Jayfeather asked, blinking exhaustion out of his eyes

"Cinderheart!" Lionblaze cried, panic lighting his eyes

"Oh yeah she's fine" Jayfeather mumbled as Squirrelflight steered the two exhausted medicine cats to their den.

Lionblaze shouldered himself into the nursery to see Cinderheart crying, her tears staining her fluffy, gray fur.

"What happened?" He asked, rushing to her side

"We have four healthy kits" She sniffled

"Ok?" He asked

She uncurled to reveal 5 kits. One of which wasn't breathing

"He never took his first breath!" She cried, panic in her eyes

Hollyleaf came into the nurserry

(Hollyleaf is alive and starclan let Fallen Leaves have another life in thunderclan, they have 2 kits)

Cinderheart's eyes were darting around the den, panic alight. She stood up wobbly.

"Cinderheart!" Hollyleaf said, sitting the she-cat back down

"What wrong with her Hollyleaf?" Lionblaze asked

"It's just grief" She answered as she left the den.

Cinderheart had calmed down and was now grooming the dead tom's fur.

"Can we call him Ashykit?" Cinderheart asked

"Whatever you want." Lionblaze answered purring.

She re-curled around the four remaining kits and Lionblaze carried Ashykit outside.

"I'm so sorry!" Squirrelflight cried, rushing towards him.

"I'm going to bury him." Lionblaze said blankly

"Let me help you!" Squirrelflight offered

"No i'm fine" Lionblaze insisted

"Fine but if you're not back by sun-down...." Her voice trailed off as Lionblaze left the camp.

He picked a nice, peaceful meadow of flowers to bury his son. He set the tiny tom down and started digging a hole.

Soon it was ready and Lionblaze gently placed Ashykit in the hole. But before he could start covering it up a shadow appeared from behind him.

He spun around, seeing Heathertail.

"What do you want?" He snarled

"Would you bury one of our kits if they died?" She asked sweetly

"Your kits will never be mine"

"Oh but they are. Their golden fur. Their amber eyes."


Without warning she lunged, grabbing Ashykit from the hole and sinking her teeth into his scruff.

Blinded by rage and grief he charged at her, knocking her off Ashykit and sending her tumbling to the ground.

She jumped up, charging at the golden tom, her heather-blue eyes alight with betrayal.

She raked her claws across his stomach and he flipped her over. She wrapped her paws around his neck, forcing his head down. She wriggled out and stood up.

Both of the cats were panting, teeth bared, eyes alight, ears back.

She jumped forward, nearly raking her claws across his neck.

He jumped on top of her, killing her with a bite to her neck.

She dropped, blood pouring out of the wound.

"Our kits will follow in my footsteps" She said, the light disappearing from her eyes.

"No, no, no, no, no," He murmured.

He quickly groomed out Ashykit's fur and put him in the hole. Covering it up he picked up Heathertail's scruff he started dragging her back to camp. 

When he reached camp gasps came from his clanmates as he set the body in the entrance.

Bramblestar emerged from the ledge

"LIONBLAZE!! What is the meaning of this?" Bramblestar asked

"I.... I went to bury Ashykit and..... and she attacked Ashykit and I.... then she attacked me and she wouldn't stop and then it slipped out of hand and she almost killed me and......" He trailed off as he collapsed.

With all that had gone on he had forgotten the wound Heathertail had made in his stomach.

Blood was gushing out.

"Alderheart! Jayfeather!" He hazily heard Bramblestar call as he blacked out.

Wow that was a GREAT chapter

Cinderheart x Lionblaze x HeathertailWhere stories live. Discover now