~Rest In Peace ~

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Lionblaze woke up to Heathertail poking him in the ribs.

"ow! why did you do that?" he asked, jumping up.

" It's dawn!" she told him

"what!?!" Lionblaze cried, staring at the sun

" i don't want to leave you." heathertail told Lionblaze.

"meet me here tonight." he told her,giving her ear a quick lick before bounding away

Lionblaze caught a few peices of prey before returning to camp.

"where were you?" squirrelflight demanded

" I went night hunting and fell asleep" Lionblaze explained

Squirrelflight nodded but eyed him. Cinderheart padded up beside him, pelts brushing, making him feel uncomfortable.

"He couldn't fall asleep" she told Squirrelflight

Squirrelflight nodded and continued organizing patrols.

"thanks." he said to Cinderheart

She nodded.

"Lionblaze! go on the Windclan border with Cinderheart,Ivypool,Mousewhisker, and Finleap!" Squirrelflight called to him

He sighed but nodded. As they walked the border he felt Cinderheart by his side. Ivypool renewed the scent marker when they saw a patrol of Windclan cats streaking down a hill, Heathertail among them.

"Nightcloud" Lionblaze said curtly

"Lionblaze" She replied

"I assume all is well in Windclan?" He asked

"What is happening in Windclan is none of your buissness" she said hotly

He nodded and turned around,signaling his patrol to come. When they returned to camp they quickly found out that Twigbranch was kitting. Shrieks came from the nursery and Finleap pushed in. 

Morning turned to Sunhigh. The shrieks became low moans of pain. An exhausted Alderheart hurried into the den with a mouthful of raspberry leaves. The sun had set and there were now only whimpers.

"save her!" Finleap's voice came from inside

" We've tried everything, her fever has made her weak" Jayfeather said

Soon the whimpers stopped altogether and 3 low wails came from the nursery. One belonged to Finleap and the other belonged to Twigbranch's sister, Violetshine and the other Twingbranch and Violetshine's father, Hawkwing. Finleap stumbled out of the nursery, eyes misted with grief he headed towards the warriors den. His best friend, Shellfur followed him in, giving a nod to the clan.

Jayfeather exited the nursery. The clan quickly crowded him.

"what about the kits?" CInderheart asked

" Poppyfrost went in to nurse them." Jayfeather told them

Poppyfrost was expecting Berrynose's second litter and with half a moon till kitting she already had some milk. Next Violetshine left the nursery,leaning heavly on her father's shoulder. They dully thanked Bramblestar for calling them and left.

Thornclaw and Berrynose lifted Twigbranch's body to the clearing. Then he realized that he had forgotten to meet Heathertail. He raced out of camp,not caring that cats had seen him leaving.

Cinderheart x Lionblaze x HeathertailWhere stories live. Discover now