Chapter 7

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Jake's POV.

"Dude stop this, you scare the crap out of me!" I said as Evan was looking with a binnacle through my window praying that Lucy will open the damn curtain!

"Why doesn't she open the curtains?!"

"Evan! Man! Just drop it! It's our free day at school! I invited you to play video games, or swim in pool or go to a party, not stalking my annoying neighbor!"

"Don't dare tell me that she is annoying!" God this guy is obsessed! I rolled my eyes, seems like I will have to die here.

"Jake!" he started snubbing like a girl! Eww! "I want her so so much! Help me!"

"I talked to her, and she said NO! So just go find another girl!"

"NO! I WANT THIS GIRL!!!!" FACE-PALM! "You drive her to school every morning right?"

"She will not enter your car."

"Who ever said something about my car?"

"I am not giving you my BMW."

"Not even for my Porsche?'

"Fine!" I can't miss the opportunity Evan loves his car more than everything in the world. "But if you get your ass here and we play video games."

"No! what if she opens the curtains?!" He is hopeless!

The doorbell rang. Of course Evan had no emotion, he is too busy with 'waiting for Lucy.' I ran downstairs and opened the door. Oh no! Lucy was there with my clothes that I gave her yesterday.

"You BASTARD! You left me there alone! I hate you!" she was mad on me. " Why did you leave me alone with my parents?! Had you ever a 'sex talk' with your mom or dad?" Well I can understand why she is mad. " And now my mom leaves me condoms on my nightstand!" I tried to hide a laugh. And bite my lip.

Lucy's POV.

Don't bite your lip! Hell he looks so hot when he bites his lip, every guy does! Stop it! Breath Lucy! Breath! Don't let the hormones get you.

"Geez! Jake when will she open this stupid curtains?!" Jake's face frowned.

"who's there?" I asked confused.

"I think you should go." Jake warned.

"Why?" the situation was really confusing.

"Jake. I start hearing her voice- and-" now I understand why Jake said to leave, Evan was there, he looked at me like I was Santa with a bunch of presents.

"Too late." Jake muttered.

"Lucy!" Evan obviously couldn't hide his enthusiasm.

"Evan!" I faked the enthusiasm. "Thank you Jake for your clothes, I spend a wonderful night yesterday. Bye." I said as I kissed Jake's cheek, making this look like we had a thing. Jake was confused, and I just turned around to go and hide into my house, when

"You slept with her! You were my friend! You know I want her!" Evan said,

"I didn't sleep with her dude. Calm down!" then Jake returned to me "Do you mind to explain?"

"Well...em... Evan there is nothing going between me and Jake, he just gave me his clothes yesterday because...well that's a long story..." How can I explain that I dressed like a slut to make him regret all this?

"I have time." I was thinking.

"What are you guys doing? It's a free day. And Abigail had some family plans, and Jason too. So do you mind if I stay here?"

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