Chapter 15

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 Chapter 15

Lucy’s POV. 

“What trouble exactly do we have? That is so important to distract me from the first breakfast I’ve ever had with my boyfriend and his mom, that was nearly to perfect?!” yes! I said it out loud, and made a panic explosion in Jake’s car to my way home. I was enjoying being with Evan, for once in life, it was what normal couples do, and he wasn’t trying to act cool. He was just Evan, a cute guy no one had a chance to see in his natural shade.

“You just called Evan your boyfriend without rolling your eyes, and making a disgusting face when pronouncing it, that’s something new,” Jake was really surprised, and he tried to fake me a smile of congratulation for the fact that I finally accepted my relationship, which was crappy…till today.

“Jake, don’t change the theme, why have you came?”

“Do you remember something from yesterday?” and this really made me reasons to worry, I mean my dream and then Jake saying something about it. Did something really happen? Or he is just asking to make sure, my virginity hasn’t faded away? I have a bad instinct about this.

“Not a lot, why?”

“Just asking,” He wasn’t just asking, he was hiding something, and knowing Jake. I actually don’t know Jake so good, but still he will never tell me what was yesterday. And why was he so worried about it coming to the surface. But whatever it is, I don’t really want to know this. But there was this thing:


Okay, I really wanted to know.  But I won’t ask, cause I have dignity.

“Why have you come?” I returned to my first unanswered question.

“Your parents, they called mine, and mine began annoying me about being a bad influence,” although I kind of let my mom know about this, I don’t think she got the message exactly. Cause I said a little picnic on the beach, and she sure as hell hadn’t expected me to sleep at some guy’s place. So I will have a lot of explanations to give. And I didn’t really want it.

I was trying to prepare myself for it, and I almost succeed till I saw my house.  I started to be nervous, I mean me and my parents never have been in situation like this, so I don’t know what to start believing.

“Here you are,” said Jake. And it was a little impolite to leave him without saying goodbye but I was imagining the scenery of my future conversation with my parents, which will be followed by my so lame explanations, and about their awkward sex talk I will get teased with after Sarah and Delilah listen to it, and laugh their asses out. Ladies and gentleman I have the not so big pleasure to introduce you to my life with cruel friends. I entered home, with blood rushing in my veins, and with a face like I just escaped from a prison and not so ready to go back again.

“Oh here you are,” the first voice that met me, wasn’t my mom’s or dad’s, it was Delilah. And she wasn’t expecting me.

“What happened? I mean my parents? Did they say something?” my voice was full of worry. It’s obvious, Jake freaked me out with his paranoia.

“We bumped into each other when they were going to work cause they had something really emergent, and when they asked what are we doing so early in the morning, we lied that I had a bad dream and Sarah leaded me to the bathroom, they actually believed me. So nothing went wrong, and they weren’t suspecting something, so no worries woman,” don’t go kill him! You will just go in prison, no need to do it, no he just destroyed your almost perfect Sunday morning with his PARANOIA! I am so going to kill him!

“What about you? How was the night with the super-hot hero?” Delilah winked, and she was giving me a dirty hint of the things. Although I am the only virgin in our little clique.

“Nope, but I kind of changed my mind about him,” and a involuntary smile appeared on my lips.

“Oh my, I know that smile, we have to call the tribunal at the round table so you will tell us everything,”

“What to tell?” Sarah appeared in an over-sized white t-shirt with eating nutella.

“Girl, you do not eat my nutella!” I said it in a very strong accent.

“I thought you are not returning soon,”

“I am not returning soon doesn’t mean I am never returning, and you eat MY nutella over my dead body,” yeah this shit is serious. I mean what exactly that includes nutella isn’t serious?

My point.

“So why had you returned that soon?” Sarah asked trying to change the theme.

“Well ask Jerky Jakey for this,” I went in the living room, with girls following me, and bumped on the couch imagining it’s Jake’s face, so I tried to hit it hard.

“What do you mean?”

“Well he came to take me, worrying too much about my parent’s and his parent’s,”

“Still nothing is clear, you are shitty relater,” I rolled my eyes at Delilah’s remark. I am not a shitty relater they are just a bad audience, that get the message hard. I mean once I told them a joke, and they started laughing after five minutes. I mean ‘duh’.

“Evan has told me that Jake was calling every thirty minutes last night, and he has come today to Evan’s place, while me and his mom were having breakfast, and took me home, saying my parents will ground me and his parent’s will kill him for taking me to the party, or something like this,”

“Actually Jake was pretty nervous last night, I tried to make a move on him, and he was in some deep therapy of thinking,”  He can think?! That’s just something new.

 “Wait you said you were having breakfast with Evan’s mom?!” Sarah just filtered the information.

“Yeah…she is pretty awesome,” 

“By the way about moms, mine called me yesterday at the party and I went in the forest where is more quietly, and start talking to her, saying we are at the picnic, drinking tea, and in that moment someone  at the tree near was having orgasm, and my mom heard the noise,”

And I burst in laughing. OMG. That must’ve been awkward.

“And she asked me what is this, and I said a sex scene movie, but then it began to be louder! My point is we have to go home,”  although the situation was kind of funny, I got sad, because I really miss these girls, and no one could replace them. “That means you have to help packing, I mean we had come with half of our houses, we will need a lot of people sitting on the suitcase so we could close it,” she tried to cheer me up, but it kind of failed, cause I know we are going to miss each other like crazy.

“Then what are we waiting? Let’s go pack.”

“We have the morning flight at 6 a.m.”

“That’s almost night, I am not waking up to say goodbye, I need to wake up at 7 a.m. myself for school so no way I am losing an hour.”

So don't hate me too much, for being such a bad uploader. I PROMISE, and this time I will try to keep my promise, to make my chapter longer, and in every week. This chapter was hard for me to write, and excuse it for being a little crappy, I din't have inspiration lately, but I have some ideas in my mind for futer, and I hope you will like them. I love you all, and thank you so much for the patience, guys it means a lot. 

So as always a random commenter gets a dedication, and someone asked me how else I pick my dedication, and my answer is that you can make (if you want cause I would be really happy) a cover or a trailer or something like this. Your choice.

I love you all to the moon and back <3 

New chapter next week *pinky promise*


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